I arose from my bed in a tired stupor. With a quick glance I noticed no one was around, and so i had turned towards my clock for an answer:

9:27 AM

'Why didn't anyone wake me up?' I asked in a bout of confusion getting off my bed i stumbled to my closet with dizziness flooding my head like a swarm of bees 'or at least warned me' I grumbled and put on my normal attire, tightening my bowtie around my neck

I opened the door to the main hall where I was hit with the cold air of the castle and i started to make my way down the hall wishing no one would ask why I woke up late
But of course my prayers were not answered since I was met with a "your up late"

I turned around to see Prince Jaymes. The youngest of the fenrir family and the first one I met a while back, he was staring up at me with an ear to ear smile and gleaming brown eyes
"Yeah I don't know why I woke up this late, odd isn't it?" I explained to the eight year old infront of me
"Yeah that is odd... oh well your up now!" Oh damn it. I know that tone
"Alright Jay what do you want" He giggled "was it really that obvious?" "Yes your tone of voice is a dead give away. So what is it? Spit it out" the young prince took a deep breath and spat out words I could barely understand "IWASSPEAKINGWITHAMIRANDHEMENTIONEDHOWTHEGARDENHADANANCIENTWISTERATREETHATUSEDTOGROWSPECIALFRUITTOHELPYOULINKTOYOURSPIRITWITHENANDIFWEFINDITWE'LLBEALLPOWERFULANDCOOLAND-" Jaymes cut himself off by taking a deep breath and I tried to peice together what he actually said

"I-i'm sorry Prince Amir told you all this?" I questioned him when my brain caught up to what he was rambling about he nodded quickly
"What makes you think he didn't just say that so you'd quit bugging him?" I asked and before Jaymes could answer I was startled by a voice that joined in
"Because I'm going with him" I whip back around to see Prince Amir. It is embarrassing to admit how puffed up my tail was from the surprise of his presence. He just stared at me for a bit waiting for me to speak but I had to calm myself first
"Don't you think it's too early for this....." I glanced at Prince Kaymes then back to Prince Amir "..stuff?"
"It's nine in the morning Patchwork it's not 'too early', plus you don't have to go, I just came to get Jaymes so we both can leave" I narrowed my eyes at Prince Amir judgingly "really? You plan to just take your eight year old brother to some tree just because of legend? Alone" I said with a hiss crossing my arms and glaring daggers at him ears pinned down
"Well he's not alone I'll be there with him!" "Have you packed food?" "No but-" "Water?" "No-" "Bandages?" "Hey now-" "so what makes you think your prepared to walk all the way to the edge of the garden" "well... the garden isn't TOO big" "and have you ever seen this so called wisteria tree?" "It's a legend so no-" "exactly No your immature, unprepared, and overall not smart enough to take a child on a mission to find something you don't even know is real" I lectured him about his stupid plans and he was quiet for a bit then started to walk away "c'mon Jaymes let's get going" He beckoned his little brother who looked at him then me and smile running to follow his brother
"Bye Bye Patchyyyyyyy" He said dragging that nickname as he got farther away eventually ending when they were away from hearing distance as I watched them turn a corner I groaned and started to walk the opposite direction. I'm going to hate this


I walk through the garden with a basket in my left hand and I stopped for a few seconds when I saw the brothers in the distance
'Why am I doing this why am i doing this why am I doing this wh-' I repeated that phrase in my head for as long as it took for me to find myself walking next to the two
I'm sure they noticed me but they weren't phased they just continued having their own conversation and I was starting to distance myself away from them when suddenly a hand pulled me back and stopped me I looked to where I was leading myself to and it was the biggest rose bush I've ever seen, it was almost all thorns with only a little weak flower in the middle
I felt the hand sink away and continued walking and noticed that Prince Amir and I were falling behind jaymes who was happily skipping through the garden
I hadn't realized I was keeping the same pace as Prince Amir until we were walking next to Jaymes once again who motored up his mouth again but this time decided to make me the victim
"Patchwork, do you think we can live on the sun" I shook my head in amusement "no I don't think we could, we would be incinerated in milliseconds" I answer and he replied with an 'oh
"Hey Patchwork, do you think if a bug bites me I'll be "Prince Jaymes bugrir?"" I heard a amusement tsk come from the oldest prince "no I think the worse that could happen would you'd die because of venom" He replied with another 'oh' and went quiet for a few seconds

"Patchwork when will you have a girlfriend?" "What?!" I completely stopped walking and stared at Jaymes while his brother laughed at the whole thing "a girlfriend! When?" Jaymes simplified the question and I fell silent the only thing I heard was Prince Amir's loud fit of laugher I took a deep breath in and was going to answer his question.. but fuck that I just decided to continue walking forward not caring if they came along

I started to see something in the distance and upped my speed to first a quick walk then a jog and finally I saw it "my god.." I said to myself and put my hand on the bark of the ancient tree and looked up, olive eyes meeting lavander leaves
"It's beatiful" Jaymes said in a tone of voice that a was that of a kid seeing a crystal for the first time

"I've seen things far more stunning around this kingdom" Prince Amir said softly, not gonna quiz him on that I just walked backwards and then i noticed something "wait-" I said and went back over to the tree, examining it, then I jumped up onto it and climbed "Patchwork that's dangerous" "check the basket!" I responded to Prince Amir's observation and narrowed my eyes trying to focus on something in the leaves I pulled on one of the large vine-like leaf and got a better look "stay there I found something!" I called out and grabbed onto two other leaves then jumped from the tree landing on my feet and taking the leaves with me
"Patchwork why would you do tha-" he trailed off when I pushed my hand out to show the brothers three maroon colored fruits "...that can't be" Prince Amir took one of the berries into his hand and stared at it in awe and I handed a smaller one to Jaymes "I'm afraid your wrong about the lack of ancient fruit there was" I teased as I held the last one and knocked my knuckles onto it "Let's see what else your wrong about shall we" I said and then took a bite of the fruit and i was surprised at the taste, it was.. delightful the best thing I've tasted it was tangy and just melted in your mouth I sat by the bottom of the tree I continued to feed on the fruit until it was gone
"I have to admit I was wrong but I don't feel any different" Prince Amir said and sat next to me I just shuffled away from him a little "Yeah I just feel sleepy and warm" Jaymes yawned out "yeah I do too.." "I can... agree with that" that was the last things the three of us got out before the darkness of sleep took us into her arms


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