part six: baths and nerf wars

Start from the beginning

But suddenly, Alex spoke up from across the table, "Maybe ask Jordan what he's got on camera."

The whole table suddenly erupted into arguments from the boys.

"I don't even know what to say. Jackie, I am so sorry." Katherine apologized.

"I have to fix my hair." Jackie said quickly, standing from her seat and leaving the dining room.

"Can I at least help?" Katherine asked, beginning to stand.

"No, thank you." Jackie replied, not turning back. I sighed, beginning to get up when George put a hand up to stop me.

"Hang on, I'm not done here." he looked at me, then at Isaac, "What were you guys studying for?"

"We have a test on Friday." Isaac answered. "She asked me to help her catch up."

"Really?" George looked at his nephew, "I find that very hard to believe since you've averaged at a C in math all of high school."

"Yeah, I guess I just really understood this chapter." Isaac shrugged again.

"Yeah, nice try you guys." Katherine shook her head, "You guys are both on Benny duty tonight. I don't wanna hear it."

She put a hand up, silencing Isaac's protests. I clenched my jaw.

"Fine. Can I be excused to help Jackie?"

"Yes, you can."

I took mine and Jackie's plate and stood from my chair, heading upstairs to my sister and preparing myself for a long rant from both of us.

A few hours had passed and the sun was finally going down. I had kept upstairs in my room with Jackie, doing our homework and finishing our dinner. Jackie had showered and with my help, we were able to get all the bleach out of her hair and get everything back to normal.

After that, we mostly kept to ourselves, only exchanging conversations when I asked her about my Shakespeare assignment.

All was fine until there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

Katherine cracked the door open slightly, poking her head in, "Y/n, Benny's ready for his bath."

I nodded, closing my book and standing from my bed. Jackie gave me a sympathetic smile as I left to follow Katherine out the door.

"So what exactly am I doing?" I asked.

"You're on Benny duty. All you do is just help him take a bath and put him to sleep." she shrugged.

"That's it? That shouldn't be too bad then." I smiled, walking to the bathroom. She gave me a nervous smile.

"Yeah. We'll see about that. Isaac should be in there already." she started down the stairs. I looked at her weirdly, but then shrugged it off.

How hard could it be to put a five year old to sleep?

I went up to the door and knocked softly, before pushing it open, "Benny?"

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now