The Barrier and the Train

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When everything needed to do was done, Lily sat on her bed wishing she didn't already pack all of her favorite books. She also wanted to talk to James but with a glance at the clock, knew 8 was too early to consider having a conversation. 

Luckily, Lily still had the magic photo of Hogwarts and no matter how often she watched it spin slowly, she was still fascinated by the architecture and the way the magic enabled it to show her all the towers and turrets. 

Soon, from the bed across from hers, Petunia got up, grumbling about Lily being loud and waking her up with the packing even though Lily was quite silent and Petunia only just woken.

James jumped after noticing the time.

"Oh, crap! I gotta go get ready!" he shouted slamming his book while racing to his room. 

"Language," his mom called halfheartedly for he was already up the stairs.

After slipping on his new, crimson sneakers his dad customized, he shoved the pile of supplies at the foot of his bed into his trunk and made sure to leave his robes on top so he could change into them. James artfully mussed his hair into what he decided was his "style." Wearing jeans and a random shirt instead of the Hogwarts uniform oxford and pants, he sprinted back downstairs to grab the Transfiguration textbook to cram into his mess of trunk.

At 10:15, both the Evans and the Potter families pulled out of their driveways on the way to King Cross Station.

Lily got there first at 10:45 on the dot but even though James told her how to get to the platform, she anxiously waited for him. When he arrived a minute later, James could instantly feel her tension through the air and hurriedly drove his trolley to greet her in his untucked, wrinkled state, even sloppier compared to her meticulous appearance.

"What's up?" he asked slightly sheepishly, just noticing the contrast between their outfits.

Oblivious to his untidiness in her worry, "How do you get through again?" Lily questioned desperately. Seeing the very solid looking barrier between platforms 9 and 10, she was hoping she remembered wrong.

"Right through the barrier, why?" James asked her confusedly. 

Her eyes met his, wide.

"Oh," he realized. 

James's hazel shifted comfortingly, "I'll go first, trust me."

The Potter parents caught up just then, "We'll show your family," Mia promised.

Turning to face the barrier, James steeled his nerves. He was actually kind of frightened by this part but he knew he had to be brave for Lily. Starting in a speed walk, people shoving him in different directions, he began a slight jog. Seeing the brick wall coming closer, he shut his eyes and ran. He felt a strange sensation pass through him and when James opened his eyes, they expanded in shock as he took in the scene. 

Steam was billowing through the heavy crowd, hiding the features of weeping parents and embarrassed kids. The brilliant scarlet Hogwarts Express appeared to glow in mid-morning light and the whistle blew impressively, signaling 10 minutes before the departure. A number of odd animals, both magical and exotic, add to the overall wonderful chaos of it all.

"Whoa," someone right behind him breathed. 

Spinning around in surprise, he relaxed in seeing that it was just Lily.

"Glad you made it, Evans," James smiled casually.

Lily grinned happily, "Right back at you, Potter."

When they bantered, which happened often, they grew accustomed to using each other's last names and soon they just rolled off their tongues. 

"Oh, wow!" exclaimed Eliza Evans on the arm of her husband coming up behind them. Petunia followed them slowly, impressed against her will. Fleamont and Mia Potter just gazed around, reminiscing about the old memories. 

"See that burnt mark," Fleamont pointed out to his wife. "That's where I set off fireworks in our 4th year and then told you that made me feel fireworks."

"Ah, yes," Mia's eyes twinkled, amused. "I do believe that rings a bell."

The train whistle blew loudly.

"Lily!" Mrs. Evans startled. "You have 5 minutes, better hurry!"

Lily hugged her mom tightly, "Bye, Mom. I'll write tons!"

Letting go of her mother, "Goodbye, Dad! I'll miss you so much!" she wrapped her arms around her father. Dropping her hands, Lily awkwardly faced Petunia. 

"Bye, Tuney," she offered.

Petunia just stared back.

James glared at her through his mother's smothering embrace.

Making eye contact with him, Petunia begrudgingly replied.

"Have a good year, Lily."

Lily smiled elatedly, that was all she wanted.

"Alright, geroff of me, Mom," James pushed her away, gruffly. "C'mon, let's get a compartment."

When he saw Lily wasn't looking, James waved back to his parents. Fleamont blew him a kiss and he turned bright red.

"What?" Lily puzzled at his crimson face. James ignored this and offered to carry her trunk.

Lugging around two giant suitcases through a narrow, crowded aisle, especially when you're the youngest there is no cakewalk. Panting slightly, they sat down in a mostly empty compartment across from two other boys around their age. One was a round blonde boy who was waving to a portly woman that was crying. The other sat quietly, a long scar on the side of his neck with light brown eyes and hair. 

"Hello, my name is James. James Potter," he broke, not standing the awkwardness.

Rolling her eyes at the introduction he uses when he wants to impress people, "Lily Evans," she greeted as well.

The boy who was waving smiled politely, "Peter Pettigrew, nice to meet you both."

"I'm Remus Lupin," said the other boy shyly.

James opened his mouth to say something else when an outrageously loud person entered the compartment.

"Hello, people! I'm gonna sit here with you all!" and a dark haired boy plopped down next to Remus who jumped in alarm.

"Sirius Black," he extended to poor Remus who seemed shocked. "Sorry for the fright, it's pretty loud out there."

"Remus Lupin," he said shakily.

They all introduced themselves again to Sirius Black and James seemed particularly interested in the outgoing boy.

To start the conversation up again, "So what year are you all going into?" Lily asked the group. 

"First!" they all chorused back, including a grinning James.

"I wasn't asking you, Potter," she rolled her eyes at her best friend. 

Sirius looked around bemused, "You two know each other?"

"We're best friends," James jumped in before Lily could say anything other.

"Unfortunately," Lily smirked at his offended face. He stuck his tongue at her.

Remus leaned in towards Peter Pettigrew who he was slightly familiar with, "10 bucks they get married."

Peter leaned back, "I'm not betting against those odds."

Both of them and Sirius who overhead, snickered as Lily petulantly stuck her tongue back at James.

Finally going to Hogwarts! Meeting the future Marauders! Time flys when you write the story! Thanks again for reading, 23 views!

(1746 words)


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