When I told them you thought Annie was my girlfriend, Annie made a face that I don't think I could describe, but know that I was offended by it. Clearly, she does not see me as boyfriend material. I'm not sure why because I happen to think I would be great, but oh well.

If you want, I would be happy to turn the necklace into a bracelet so Jade doesn't have to work around the design issues. Besides, I would like at least one person on your team to like me.



Dear Finnick,

I am just about ready to scream. I can't believe that you were in the city and I had no idea. We had a security incident last week so now I have people stationed outside the apartment at all times. I told them that no one other than myself had the right to throw you out. Hopefully, that will help with the problem. Please come see me if you're in town again for business.

I also think you would make an excellent boyfriend, and I'm not just saying that as your friend. In fact, the entire Capitol thinks you would make an excellent boyfriend. Rumors have been flying around that you're starting to date, and I'm proud of you for putting yourself out there.

I want you to know that I've decided to follow in your footsteps. I actually met someone and we have a date next week. He's a family friend so we already know one another, but it does make me a little nervous about what would happen if this all falls apart. I'll keep you posted on how the date goes if you keep me posted on the next time you'll be in town will be.



Dear Amara,

I accept your challenge. Snow will summon me at unpredictable times, so we can't be too sure of anything, but I'll find a way to contact you when I'm there. By the time you write back, you could have gone on a few dates. How did it go? I need details, and Annie says she does too. She wants you to know that she really wants you to visit us because she's too surrounded by us boys and she needs another girl.

I'm not sure how I feel about everyone in the Capitol talking about my dating life. Most rumors are probably completely untrue, but still.

Tell me about this security incident. Are you okay? What happened?



Dear Finnick,

Before I tell you, I want to reassure you that I'm perfectly fine. I wasn't injured at all. Someone smuggled in a weapon and tried to attack me. Security tackled the guy before anything happened, and Celeste demanded an increase in security. It seems she's the only one allowed to threaten me. Things with Celeste have been rather civil. I've ignored her, and she has done everything possible to make sure I'm on time to the various events.

She did like the second round of songs I made. This was a particularly strong emotional album. Half the songs were about anger, and the other half were about loneliness. She said she liked how I'm attempting to appeal to a new audience. She didn't seem to notice that these are my experiences, and that's all I have to write off of. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to come back to Four with you next year. I would love to spend time with you, Adrien, and Annie. At the very least, I'm looking forward to meeting Adrien.

The date was horrible. Apparently, he just wanted his 15 minutes of fame. I think I need a guy who doesn't want anything to do with the spotlight because I want to come home after a long day of being in the spotlight and not have to worry about it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure a guy like that would date someone like me.



Dear Amara,

You're going to find him. You are beautiful, and any guy would be lucky to date you. If I knew someone to set you up with, I would. Unfortunately, I only know the victors and a few stylists. You've pretty much met them all.

I'm sorry your date was a flop. I'm sure from the rumors you've been hearing, you'll know I haven't had much luck in the dating realm either. Annie set me up on a blind date last week, but she just wanted to relive my games with me so the date didn't last very long. I haven't been sleeping very well recently because of it. Annie promised me she wouldn't try and set me up on another one.

As for your security snafu, I'm glad that you're safe and they got the guy before he could hurt you or anyone else at that concert. I was in town the other day, but you were on tour so I didn't get a chance to see you. I have, however, been paying attention to your interviews. Caesar says the new music is "edgy" and I happen to agree with him. Your invitation to come stay with me in Four is an open one.

Have you considered getting your own place? I know its cheaper living at home, but you aren't exactly strapped for cash. Maybe what you need is a work/life balance. Your work invades every aspect of your life. Maybe it's time to take a step back. Get your own place, and tell Celeste that if she needs to meet with you, she can schedule an appointment.



Dear Amara,

I haven't heard from you in awhile. Is everything ok?



Dear Finnick,

I'm sorry for the long wait. You will be pleased to know that I decided to take your advice. I have officially moved out. My new place is so much smaller, and I love it. I moved in a month ago and have spent most of my time unpacking. I have my own kitchen and spend my mornings doing my own cooking and cleaning.

My parents were a little upset when I declared I wanted to move out, but they ultimately understood. Jade is also not too happy with it because I've done so much baking that she had to adjust all my dresses. I don't care one bit. I LOVE baking. The next time you're here, I'll have to make you a chocolate cake recipe I found. It's to DIE for. I'm obsessed with it.

If you're right about me finding the right guy, you aren't right yet. I have gone on three more dates with three different guys, and all of them were a massive flop. I'll tell you all about it when you're here. The reaping is coming up. Are you and Adrien ready for this?



Dear Finnick,
I heard you were in town last week. You should stop by the apartment soon! I'm in the massive building at the corner of Gleeson and Dreeber.



Dear Finnick,
I saw you yesterday and called your name but I guess you didn't hear me. Are you ready for the reaping?



Dear Finnick,
I bumped into you at a party last night but you were so wasted you didn't even recognize me. I'm really worried about you. I haven't heard from you in months. Please tell me you're okay.


The Heiress {Finnick Odair}Where stories live. Discover now