murder's new plan

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Murder's pov:
Since the dairy I made was only half true I might have to kill someone else but will it be more sus?In the dairy I lied about everyone coming to me and have me help them,those idiots never ask me for help!I need to figure out if I should kill someone else or if it will suspicious. I feel like I should ask someone but they will tell on me.And I know aatrix will actually kill me once he finds out,that is if he does which he probably won't. I think everyone is still looking for clues,so I might  put fake ones to confuse them and to make them take longer to find out it was me who killed doni.I don't think I should frame someone else but just make very confusing clues....

murder mystery (doni bobes smp)(DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt