Love in a cup

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Through their conversations, Harry discovered Louis' passion for animals and his love for literature, a side that the world rarely got to see. And in turn, Louis found himself drawn to Harry's genuine kindness, his unwavering optimism, and the way he brightened up the café with his contagious laughter.

As the days turned into weeks, Louis made an important decision. He arrived at the coffee shop proper early one morning, not for his usual order, but with a purpose in mind. With a nervous yet determined heart, he approached Harry, who was quite busy behind the counter.

"Hello, Harry." Louis began, his voice showing off a hint of nervousness.

Harry looked up, a warm smile gracing his lips.
"Louis, what can I get for you today? Your usual, or something else?"

Louis hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he spoke.
"I am not here to fetch a coffee today." saying that resulted in making Harry frown in confusion. The intentions of Louis' visit were unclear for him.

"Oh, then something else you would be interested to try?" Harry solely thought about beverages and food.

Louis would have loved to shout out what he felt, but no words were getting out of him properly. This was one of the hardest challenges he had to face in a long while.

"I'd be interested in taking you out." Harry's head snapped up, his gaze shifting to Louis' face.
Harry's face reflected pure confusion and astonishment.

"Would you like to grab a lunch sometime?" Louis fumbled with his fingers out of nervousness, staring directly into Harry's breathtaking green eyes.

"Ehm..." Harry's back straightened as he took a teeny step backwards.

Louis, overwhelmed by his confession, and disappointed with Harry's reaction, chickened out.
"Sorry, forget it." he turned about, exiting the shop as fast as he managed to.

As soon as Louis arrived to his office, he tugged at his own hair. The whole sitautaion was beyond frustrating and embarrassing for him. He didn't even get his morning coffee, which meant a day full of grumpiness in his case. What bothered him more was the thought of coming back to get his coffee the upcoming day. He wasn't sure if he should ever come back to that café.

The following day, Louis got discouraged the moment he saw Harry through the glass. Taking a deep breath in and out, he was ready to head straight to work, but then he stopped in his tracks.

"Hello, what can I get-" Harry cut himself off mid sentence, noticing the person whom was standing before him was the infamous CEO.
"Hello, I'd like my usual." Louis' fingers tapped on the counter restlessly. Harry struggled to follow.

"So, a coffee?" he remarked, his gaze full of confusion.
The only thing Harry got in response to that was a simple nod.

"Okay." Harry took a cup from under the counter, getting back to work.
Meanwhile, Louis chewed on his bottom lip, his mind waging an internal battle with itself.

"Sorry, what milk do you usually get?" Harry's voice quivered at the question. It was more than clear, he was very out of the place thanks to Louis' approach.

"Whole milk." a small, shy smile tugged at the corners of Harry's lips.
"Of course, sorry." Harry took out the right kind of milk, pouring a small amount into the paper cup.

"Here is your coffee." Harry placed it on the counter, right before Louis.

And finally, Harry gathered the courage to speak out loud about what had been bothering his mind all night.
"I would have loved to grab lunch with you, but I understand if you changed your mind." Harry's cheeks covered crimson red blush, his lips creating a straight line.

"Would you?" Louis couldn't believe his ears.
"Yes, lunch, dinner, anything really. I am not hard to please. Sorry, I am just jabbering at this point." Harry bit his lip to silent himself, shaking his head slightly.

"Dinner tonight. Does that sound good?" Louis clutched the coffee closer to his chest, feeling his heart pound in anticipation of an answer.

"Yes, that sounds amazing." a wide smile grazed Harry's features, making Louis' lips curl into a smile as well.

"Alright, I'll pick you here at seven." Harry exhaled the breath he had no idea he was holding until then.
"Alright, yeah." he had hard time containing his happiness inside, but he tried his best to remain composed in front of Louis.

"Great. I'll see you later." with smile still playing on his lips, the CEO turned around, heading towards the exit.

As soon as Louis disappeared from Harry's sight, the curly barista could finally let his guard down, embracing the excitement and happiness bubbling within him.

Hi! I want to wish Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates, even though I am late. Better late than never. I hope you liked the new one shot as much as I enjoyed writing it. Would you be interested in part two? Let me know!

Louis turned 32?! Like, what is going on? I am still stuck celebrating his 28th birthday😭. I just can't wrap my head around the fact he just turned 32.

I hope you are having a peaceful time, and if not, just remember it won't last forever.

I am sending lots of love! Stay safe❤️

larry oneshots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora