Chapter 3 | Distance

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[Akira's Point of View]

In our cozy home, a sense of anticipation fills the air as the morning sun casts a warm glow across the room. I wake up, my heart fluttering with excitement for the day ahead. 

The aroma of our father's cooking wafts through the house, pulling me out of bed and into the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen, I see my sister, Kotoko, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. We exchange groggy morning greetings, but there's something different about her today. Her usually bright smile is replaced with a distant look in her eyes.

Curiosity tugs at my heart as I watch Kotoko throughout the morning routine. She seems quieter than usual, lost in her own thoughts. As we make our way to school, I can't help but wonder what is troubling her.

During the school day, I notice a hint of jealousy in Kotoko's eyes whenever she looks my way. It's as if she really despises me. The feeling of being in her shadow weighs on my heart, and I yearn for a way to bridge the growing divide between us.

At lunchtime, I approach Kotoko, hoping to break through the walls she has built around herself. But she brushes me off, avoiding eye contact and keeping her distance. It hurts to see her pushing me away, and I can't help but feel a pang of sadness.

After the final bell rings, I scan the crowd for Kotoko, hoping to walk home together as we always do. Yet, she is nowhere to be found. Confusion and worry consume me as I wonder where she could be. Did I do something to upset her? Is she avoiding me?

Deciding to walk home alone, I can't shake off the feeling that something is not right. The cozy home on Mars feels emptier without Kotoko by my side. As I walk along the familiar path, I catch sight of a figure in the distance. It's Naoki, the mysterious beauty who has captured my sister's attention.

Naoki notices my solitude and approaches me with concern in his eyes. "Is everything okay, Akari?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine care.

I hesitate for a moment, unsure of how much to share with him. But there's something about Naoki that makes me feel safe, that makes me want to open up. So, I take a deep breath and let my guard down.

"I'm worried about Kotoko," I admit, my voice tinged with sadness. "She's been distant lately, and I don't know how to reach her. It feels like we're drifting apart."

Naoki's expression softens, and he places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I've noticed the change in her too," he says, his voice filled with empathy. "Let's find a way to bring you two back together. I don't like seeing you sad."

With Naoki by my side, we continue walking towards our home. His presence brings me a sense of comfort, and his words give me hope. Perhaps together, we can uncover the mystery behind Kotoko's distance and help heal the rift between us.

Little do we know, this is just the beginning of a great adventure that will take us beyond the comforts of our cozy home. A journey that will test our bonds, reveal hidden truths, and lead us to discover the true meaning of love, friendship, and family."

A/N: Merry Christmas, Peachies! I hope that everyone of you will have a great chistmas! 

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