i knew you were trouble

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Why'd you have to lead me on? Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin' - Taylor Allison Swift - is always fucking right.

Gosh, men are so infuriating. Can anybody just tell them to shut the fuck up? Even the one sitting in front of me in my chair, with his legs on the table and a sexy smirk playing on his lips. I desperately feel the need to wipe that fucking smirk off his gorgeous face.

Nononononono, this boy ain't gorgeous. Like for real. He can't be. Is he checking me out, though? The urge within me to pluck his eyes out is growing by the second. Now he dares to move his dumb mouth.

Aditya Fucking Keshav

My fucking brother's fucking best friend.
Apparently sent to assist me in this new business I was 'supposed' to start on my own but since my stupid brother thinks I might require assistance, he sent this piece of crap.

Man, he is talking about things I'm most definitely already aware of. Like, boy. Shut your bloody mouth.

As his thoughts swirled in uncertainty, he absently prodded the fleshy inside of his cheek with the tip of his tongue. A fleeting moment of contemplation passed as his teeth grazed against the softness, a habit that often surfaced whenever his mind delved into deep contemplation. Aditya, I mumbled 'I already know what you're spouting so let's get to the point, you invest in my business or not? If not then fuck off 'cause you're of no help and are a waste of both time and space, my eyes bore into his, and those Hazel orbs glared into mine, his mouth contorting opened itself as he threw me an insult. As my anger surged, my eyes blazed red, fists clenched in readiness to strike. When abruptly, he grabbed my cheeks with his fingers, forcefully pulling me close and squeezing them with a painful intensity.
His voice, cold yet husky, reached my ears as he demanded with an annoyed expression, "You, with your expertise limited to nail paintings and stuff, attempting to grasp business concepts - it's rather amusing to me you slut, now isn't it."

Upon hearing his words, my eyes widened with anger, and I snapped, 'Mind your language and tone. You're in my office, not your property, Mr. Keshav,And just so you know i wear heels bigger than your dick' I said, fuming. He smirked in return as his husky voice said, 'It may be your property Ms Lohana but if I'm helping that poor ass of yours you've got to kiss that behaviour goodbye, I don't invest in businesses that are drowning even before beginning to float. I shot a glare that seemed to pierce his soul. 'I want you out of my office,' I asserted firmly.
He glared back, cockily remarking, 'Your brother asked me for a favour. As a good friend, I'm just helping out his poor, helpless baby sister.'
'Mind your tone you motherfucker' I replied furiously. "Look at you, acting immature. Grow up. You're not Barbie in a dreamland. You need my help; accept it," he replied, cockily the smirk on his face somewhat making the atmosphere hot. 'Mr. Keshav, it might be wise to step down from your ego ,because when it crumbles, it'll be your downfall." I spoke smirking 'SoYou better keep your Bullshit aside if you want to help me,Aditya Fucking Keshav 😤 . His eyes widened, lips moving into a scoff as he retorted, ''What a joke! This isn't a game, you clueless woman! This is business. That attitude won't lead you to success. And you accuse me of having an ego?'" I locked eyes with him, swiftly transitioning from anger to a composed demeanor, and then offered him a smirk. "Your opinion is as bad as your eyebrows," I replied. He burst into laughter as he spoke, "Are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?" His laughter brought a small smile to my face, "Mr. Keshav, would you be willing to consider an investment?".
That's how you ask Ms.Lohana, of course I'd invest, if you prove you're worth investing.
The end!!!
Hope you enjoyed it guys

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