1. The End of a Saviour!

Start from the beginning

Harry had been enraged and had hunted the cause responsible for it and it had taken 3 years before he had found it. Daemone Klaus, a high being of winter, was the one who put the curse on the Greengrass line nearly a millennium ago. It had been a fierce battle, which had added to Harry's already impressive collection of scars, but Harry was determined not to lose any more of his family to the curse. He had finally got lucky after a long battle which he nearly lost. When the monster thought he had been taken down and stood over him to gloat about it, Harry had decisively summoned the sword of Gryffindor and rammed it into the monster's mouth, stabbing through its brain. The monster's healing prowess had bowed down in front of the magical properties of Basilisk venom, and Daemone Klaus had met its end at the hands of a determined father, who wanted to save his daughter from the fate of her mother. Harry had used organ expulsion curse on the corpse, taking his heart and a branch of a nearby Aspen tree, to Gregorovitch, who had fashioned Harry a 13-inch wand from them. Harry had carried it proudly as it had been proven to be a better match than his Holly and Phoenix feather wand.

The 3rd to join them was a beautiful woman who looked like a carbon copy of his deceased wife. Esmeralda Lily Potter-Greengrass was similar to her mother in both beauty and brains. He had walked her down the aisle just a few months ago when she had married her boyfriend of 2 years, Marius Redfort, a second child of some influential Nordic Royal family.

Finally, two more faces joined the others. One of them was James Sirius Potter and the other was Aries Harrison Potter-Slytherin, the twins and last of the Potter children.

Harry knew that they all would panic at seeing his state, so he blocked his side of view from the communication mirror.

"Dad, are you alrig-"

With that, Harry had started the hardest conversation he had ever had in his life.


After bidding to his distraught and heavily crying children, Harry closed his eyes, feeling his magic being completely seeped away. He knew what was to come so he closed his eyes and prepared to welcome Death, who had betrayed him, as an old friend.

He felt the heat of monstrous flames on his skin and then nothing.


Harry opened his eyes expecting the king's cross to greet him, but to his surprise, it wasn't so. The place seemed familiar but different at the same time. It didn't take him long enough to recognize the place as the Diagon Alley. The difference in patrons of the establishment alarmed him. All the people were giving him strange looks too. Already suspecting what had happened he checked his pockets for the wand and was relieved to find a wand there even though, it was not the Aspen wand, he had himself crafted by Gregorovitch. He already missed the cold but powerful magic of Daemone Klaus flowing through the wand but send his magic through it. Shower of grey and black sparks shot through it, the sparks conjoining to conjure a pale image of Thestral, revealing the core to be Thestral tail hair. After seeing his wand crafted by Gregorovitch, he knew enough about wandlore to identify the components of the wand. Running his finger through the length of wand, he detected Walnut, a powerful wand wood, which didn't discriminate between any spell cast through it. All in all, it was quite a powerful wand, even though particularly not suited to him.

A quick 'Tempus' changed his delight into horror as the date 21st July 1976 flashed before him. His horror grew as he felt pain in his right lung, at the exact same place where he had been hit by Nott's curse. His horror was now tenfold as he looked at his reflection on one of the glasses of Flourish and Blots as instead of a man in his late forties, a boy in his mid-teens stared back at him. He also understood the reason, why the people around him were staring at him. He had cuts and wounds all over his body, that hadn't even healed as they formed wet spots on the rags he was wearing.

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