- (tainted) bliss

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Buggy came back a few hours after Niko and Cabaji's target practice. Niko had been put back in his cage, fuming from the events prior, but when the clown came into his room, he couldn't help but take notice of the not-excited expression on his face.

"What's with the long face?" He asked, leaning against the bars as he examined the sulking clown. Buggy's disembodied hands were undoing the lock on his cage, but he was scowling ever so slightly like a child who'd been told off, "Marines ambushed us. Someone on the crew was a spy."

Niko glanced down at the hands undoing his lock, realizing with a sickening jolt that blood was smeared all across the white gloves. It popped off with a click, and Buggy's hands flew back over to reattach with his stubbed wrists. Silently relieved for the village, he made his way towards the clown - not too close, of course, stopping a few feet away. "So that's why you're back," He noted more blood on his pants with a hum.

Buggy turned, facing him for the first time with another pout, "You don't seem happy to see me." Niko was going to reply, but the clowns eyes narrowed, taking a few steps closer and cupping Niko's face with his eyes focused. His thumb ran over the scabbed cut on his cheek, and Niko winced at the sensitivity, "Who did it?"

"Shouldn't you know?" Niko responded dryly, "I think your exact words were, 'Go to town." He pushed Buggy's gentle hands off his face. Buggy's lips set in an irritated frown, "I told him not to touch your pretty face. You're basically ruined."

The words shouldn't have stung as much as they did, but they left him blinking in surprise. Ruined because of one little scratch? That was fast. Part of him was relieved, but the other... The hurt in his gaze was outburst by anger and Niko whirled out of his grip, stalking the other way, "Oh, boo hoo, your pretty little toy got hurt. What a disaster."

Buggy's voice shifted, groaning "Oh c'mon, don't be like that, I'm joking. Come back." Niko didn't though, instead staring at himself in the dresser mirror. A black haired pirate stared back at him, his dark eyes full of anger. He could feel himself unwinding a little more every day. His eyes were red rimmed from a lack of sleep, and the scratch on his cheek was bruised slightly, smeared blood giving his cheek a red pigment. He looked a little tormented.

Buggy appeared behind him in the mirror, spinning him around, a familiar smile dancing across his lips. Niko did not smile, folding his arms over his chest. Buggy's hands rested on his waist, the skin where he felt the pressure warming rapidly, basically singing under the touch, "I'm just kidding, gorgeous. Cheer up." persuaded Buggy, hands snaking up to cup his with an imploring smile.

His first instinct was to smile, and his attempt at stifling it didn't really work, not in the handsome face of the clown. Niko turned his head sharply, swallowing the smile that pulled at his lips. Buggy's reaction was instant, his face morphing into a frown, demanding, "Don't do that."

When Niko didn't let up, Buggy pressed two fingers into the corners of his lips, pulling them up into a forced smile, almost painfully, "I love your smile. Stop hiding it." Eventually, Niko gave in with a sigh, pulling Buggy's fingers from his lips and offering a sarcastic smile.

"Hmm.. Better than before." Buggy noted, "But I'm gonna need a little more effort, sugar."

"Ugh, honestly, Buggy, you're the clown!" Niko burst out, exasperated, "Shouldn't you be the one entertaining me?" He unfolded his arms, "I thought your whole thing was putting on the best shows in the East Blue."

Surprisingly, Buggy tilted his head and nodded, and giddy look crossing over his expression, "Great idea, serpent boy! How would you like to see our show again? Maybe this time you can play in it~" He grinned, not giving Niko the chance to reply, instead grabbing his fuzzy cuffs and pulling him out of the room.

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