Eggman Saga (COMPLETED)

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P = Pucca
C = Cream
(Do Note this Was Made for Fun.)

The Sun Would Rise on a Happy Landscape, With Nature and Technology Coexisting Together Happily

A Bird Lands On a Twig, Behind the Bird, What Seems to be the Window to a Bedroom

A Yawn Comes From in the Bedroom, As a Anthropomorphic Rabbit Arises From her Slumber In Pajamas

C: "Today Is Going to Be a Good Day, I Can Feel It!"

The Rabbit Said Happily As She Got Out of Bed

In Another Building, a Small Girl Can Be Seen Looking at a Picture Of Her Crush, Smiling But Eventually Stopping and Placing the Picture under Her Pillow as She Got out of bed As well

And as If they were in Sync, Both Spoke.

P&C: "It's Time to Start the Day off!"

As Both Began Their Routines, Getting Ready to Meet With One Another

Cream would Replace her Pajamas With her Normal Attire,
While Pucca Would Do the Same

Both Would Eventually Finish Their Routines, But Before they Leave, They Of Course Will Say Goodbye to Their Parents/Relatives

C: "Bye Mother! I'm Going To Play With My Friend!"

V: "Have Fun Dear! Be Home By 8!"

C: "I Will!"

P: "Uncle Dumpling! I'm Going Outside to Play!"

D: "Be Safe!'
And So Both Ran Out of Their Homes Getting Closer to Meet Each other, Mile By mile, Until They Finally Met.

C: "Hello Miss Pucca!" Cream Would Say Cheerfully

Pucca Would Wave At Cream With a Smile.

Cream Would Begin to Ask On What they Should Do, Eventually Having an Idea.

C: "Why Don't We Play Tag? It'll Be Fun!"

Pucca Would Agree, And Cream was It, As She Began to Chase Pucca.

C: "I'm Gonna Get You!" Cream Said Having fun

Pucca would giggle while Running, But It's Clear That Cream is Gaining up on her

Pucca Would Spot a Spring, Believe that Would Help, She Jumped on it and Landed a Few Meters before Continuing to Run, With Cream in Hot pursuit, Eventually the Area Around them began to Change, As There Were Trees And Flowers to Their Sides, as the Grass has Darker Stripes on it, Although Both were Unaware At the Change of Scenery, Until they Came Across a Badnik

Pucca Would Stop In front of the Badnik, Curious as to What it is, Before she Could Do Anything, The Badnik Attacked her, Making her Stumble Back a Bit, Cream would Cease her Chasing and Help Pucca, Breaking The Badnik and Freeing the Flicky Inside of it

C: "Are You Okay Ms Pucca?"

P: pucca Gave her a Thumbs up "Yes! I'm Fine!"

C: "It Looks Like Mister Eggman is Being Mean Again.."

Pucca Would Ask Who this "Eggman" Is, And Cream Would Explain that He's a Mean Man Who Traps Animals and Uses them as Robots

Pucca Would Be Surprised by this As She Got Up

C: "We Can't Let Him Continue to be Mean!" Cream Said, With an Unpleased Tone

Pucca Would Agree With Cream as They Began to Travel Through the Area, Breaking any Badniks they Come Across, Eventually They Make it to a Sign, It Shows the Face of Eggman, But When they Ran Past it, It Turned Into Their Faces

Pucca And Cream: Pretty Adventure 1! (Finshed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora