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The two girls now stood in the Weathervane, Wednesday staring up at a notice board whilst Adeline sat in a booth with a cup of hot chocolate, the second one of the day.

Xavier's gaze flicked between the two of them. 'I thought you two were supposed to be at Pilgrim World.'

'I needed a hot-'

'We deserted it whilst out sanities were still intact.' Wednesday cut the other girl off.

'Oh yeah? You want a coffee? It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment.'

'I'm actually here for Tyler.' Wednesday answered.

Xavier looked to Adeline and her hot chocolate. 'I thought you came here for her drink?'

'I suppose I killed two birds with one stone.' Wednesday deadpanned.

'I thought I told you Tyler was bad news.' Xavier said, sighing as he changed the subject.

'Twice.' Wednesday replied. 'But who I speak to is my business.'

She rang the bell, and Tyler walked out of the back room, his eyes connecting with Adeline's for a second.

Her gaze flashed green for a millisecond, and she felt that same sensation, her heart thumping in her chest, adrenaline flowing through her veins.

'You rang?' He said.

Wednesday turned to him, and Xavier scoffed, looking to Adeline. The girl simply shrugged and sipped her drink.

'Want the usual?'

'And some help. You know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600's? Do you know if it's still around?'

'What's left of it is out in Cobham woods, but, it's pretty much a ruin.'

'Show me.' Wednesday said, unfolding a map.

'Uh-' Tyler pointed to a spot. 'There, but, look, it's kind of sketchy. Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad. My dad has it cleared out every couple weeks. What's this about?'

Wednesday hesitated. 'Nothing.'

'You're really becoming obsessed with this whole "monster in the woods" thing?'

'Would you rather I develop an obsession with horses and boy bands?'

Adeline shook her head furiously, even though the question wasn't directed to her.

'Thank you for the help.' She said, tugging on Adeline's sleeve as she walked off, dragging the girl behind her.

'Hey, listen, the ruins are kind of tricky to find. I could take you this afternoon, my shift ends at two.' Tyler said.

'Principal Weems would hang, draw, and quarter me if I miss the big statue dedication. And as enticing as that sounds, I'd prefer to keep a low profile.' Wednesday began. 'Besides, I have Adeline, and I know my way around the great outdoors.'

'Don't tell me you were a Girl Scout.'

'I could eat Girl Scouts for breakfast. Actually I have an uncle who went to prison for that.'

The pair of girls turned around and left the cafe, Wednesday giving Xavier a side-eye.

'I was a Girl Scout.' Adeline murmured. 'You think I'd taste nice?' 

Wednesday gave her a concerned look. 'No. You'd be terribly sweet.'

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The sky was now a darkening blue as Wednesday and Adeline walked through the woods, quickening their steps as a ruined building came into view. The pigtailed girl slung her bag off of her shoulder and onto the floor as she began to look around.

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