||13 - Confusion||

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(Cyno's POV)*

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(Cyno's POV)*

After the scholar's abrupt appearance out of one of the maze-like corridors, Cyno kept a close eye on her, taking note of anything noteworthy:

She clutched a small piece of blood-soaked cloth which he guessed was originally a part of her shirt from the tear in one of her sleeves, dried blood was smeared across the side of her forehead from her previous injury, her breaths were quick and heavy, and her pupils were shaking slightly. Something had happened in the corridor that was not being said and had shaken the scholar. He could see the confusion and fear in her eyes as she brushed off every question.

What had happened? What had spooked her so much and made her more secretive than before?

Cyno shook his head, brushing it off, thinking now was not the time to be asking such things.

The group shared the details of their adventure in the corridors. The Flame-Mane, traveler, and her companion seemed to have interesting stories to tell while he and the scholar had relatively bland encounters. As he listened to and observed each person, Cyno could tell he was surrounded by experienced liars, people who have taken up lying to hide or protect something or someone. Either that, or they were very talented in saying selective truths.

"Let's look around one more time. I feel like we wouldn't have been led here for nothing." The Flame-Mane suggested, taking a look around the large room.

As everyone dispersed, Cyno noticed the scholar seemingly glued to the same spot, staring up at the ceiling where the moon still shone in. He knelt to the ground by a pile of sand and gold to appear occupied and watched his criminal.

She looked as if she was lost in time before snapping back to reality and heading straight for the large statue in the far back of the room. Going down onto her knees, the scholar placed a hand at the base of the statue, brushing her fingers across the ancient words on the plaque. He could see her flinch in surprise after deciphering the words (with some difficulty) and grab something on her chest. A necklace?

The scholar shook her head and made her way over to the traveler, assisting her with her search. Cyno waited for a moment, then looking back at the pile of sand he knelt in front of, he was surprised to find a small jewel as dark as night, sculpted into the shape of a bird which he presumed was a crow.


(Y/n's POV)*

'Heed the crow's call as fate alters.'

'The crow is a guide, the hero of the desert.'

Crow this. Crow that. What the hell does a crow have to do with anything?

I could feel a headache forming when everyone revealed a small black jewel we all knew was a crow. Looking at the accessory in everyone's palm, I wanted to crush the one in mine. Crows. Crows. Crows.

I don't remember when we had left the temple and set up a new camp, but I do know that I am currently scribbling everything down on a notepad: temple, human sacrifices, blood, corridors, a strange man, crows, and memories that don't belong to me.

"Hey Y/n, why don't you get some rest? We'll take over the watch now." Paimon squeaks.

I looked up at Paimon then at the sky, noticing the moon slowly sinking and nodded. Putting my notepad away in my bag before using it as a pillow, I drifted into sleep.


"This way! Come on, Y/n!" A young girl shouted while running ahead. Her face was blurred, but her hair was the same shade of h/c as my own. She seemed scared as she reached her hand out to me and turned a corner, ducking behind a set of crates.

A trio consisting of two men and a woman, ran past, yelling to one another. Their words sounded strange yet familiar. Another language.

I flinched when a warm hand pushed my hair to the side and slid a finger down the back of my neck. My mouth opened, but I didn't understand the words that left my mouth. The girl beside me frowned.

"I'll make them all suffer for doing this to you," she whispered.


I woke up with a start, instinctively putting a hand on my nape. My fingers ran across an odd pattern engraved into my skin that I didn't recall ever being there.

The sun was rising and hung low in the sky. I flopped back down onto my back, staring blankly as the sunlight danced, my fingers still lingering at the side of my neck. Something was wrong.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" Paimon asked, her small head coming into view.

I nodded once. "Yup. Are we heading out soon?"

"Paimon still has to wake up Dehya and the traveler and Cyno went to scout the area."

With a sigh, I slowly sat up again, watching Paimon float over and shake Dehya awake. The three of us snacked on pieces of jerky, making small talk until the traveler and general returned.

Apparently, there was a larger camp some distance away that could easily be mistaken as a town. It surrounded an oasis with cliffs streaked with red, offering a layer of protection. Guards surrounded every entrance, each of them wearing a red sash like the boy from the temple.

"A camp as big as a town? Out here? It sounds hard to believe, harder since no one seems to know it exists, well, except its inhabitants." Dehya mused.

"We should check it out. It could help with our commission and the general's mission," Y/n responded, "Anyone out here would probably be well informed by anything that happens around them, right?"

The general nodded. "Let's hope so."


A/N: Merry early Christmas! Passed all my finals and winter break finally started so I got around to a quick update this time! Enjoy! <3

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