Jackie's voice, a fragile whisper, broke the silence, "Sorry for being so insensitive last night."

Amara met her sister's gaze, recognizing the genuine remorse in Jackie's eyes. The tension that had lingered between them seemed to soften, if only for a moment. Amara offered a small, understanding smile, "It's okay, Jackie. We're both navigating uncharted waters here."

Jackie exhaled, a mixture of relief and gratitude washing over her. "I just... I didn't handle things well. This Thanksgiving feels so different without them."

Amara nodded, the heaviness of shared grief bridging the gap that had briefly widened between them. "Yeah, I get it. It's like trying to find solid ground in a sea of emotions."

The sisters stood in a momentary truce, acknowledging the complexities of their individual struggles. The room, once charged with unspoken tension, now held a fragile peace.

The air was filled with the scent of autumn spices, and the soft glow of candles cast a gentle light, creating an intimate setting for Skylar's dad's talk

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The air was filled with the scent of autumn spices, and the soft glow of candles cast a gentle light, creating an intimate setting for Skylar's dad's talk.

Skylar, excited to share her family's Thanksgiving tradition, offered everyone a seat as they settled in. Amara, Alex, and Nathan found themselves amidst plush cushions, the anticipation of the talk palpable.

Skylar's dad, a distinguished historian, stood in front of a makeshift podium with a genuine smile. "Welcome, everyone. Today, we're going to explore the real history of Thanksgiving, beyond the common narratives."

He delved into the origins of the holiday, unraveling historical complexities that often went overlooked. As Skylar's dad spoke, the room became a tapestry of shared curiosity and newfound knowledge.

Amara, captivated by the revelations, couldn't help but be grateful for the opportunity to learn from Skylar's family. The atmosphere felt like a respite, a break from the usual tensions that surrounded significant family events.

During a momentary pause in the talk, Skylar's dad turned to the guests. "Any questions so far?"

Amara couldn't resist a playful tease as she noticed Nathan's gaze lingering on Skylar. With a mischievous grin, she nudged him lightly. "Nathan, my friend, you seem awfully interested in Skylar's dad's history lesson. Studying a different kind of history, perhaps?"

Nathan, caught off guard, blushed slightly but tried to play it cool. "Oh, come on, Amara. I'm just paying attention. History is fascinating, you know?"

Amara raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Sure, history. I'm sure Skylar's dad's lecture on the pilgrims is the most captivating thing you've ever seen."

Skylar, who overheard the banter, joined in with a teasing smile. "Nathan, if you have questions about history, you can always ask. No need for secret admirer glances."

Nathan laughed, his embarrassment turning into good-natured humor. "Alright, alright. Guilty as charged. Skylar's family history is just too interesting."

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