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As the morning sun cast its golden rays, illuminating the world in a warm embrace, I found myself nestled between Mommy and Daddy, seeking comfort after a restless night of storms. The fragrant scent of blooming flowers wafted through the window, offering a gentle reminder of the new day's promise.

"Such a lovely morning," I murmured, clutching my plush toy tightly, memories of the stormy night still fresh in my young mind.

Mommy's gentle voice broke through my thoughts, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Are you looking forward to today, sweetheart?"

"Uh-huh! Today's special; I get my middle name from God," I exclaimed, my eyes wide with youthful enthusiasm.

Big Brother chimed in with a playful grin, "So, does this mean you'll finally be as important as us older folks?"

Giggling, I retorted, "Maybe even more!" Our lighthearted exchange filled the room with warmth and laughter.

With a reassuring smile, Harry, our trusted butler, led me towards the bath, promising a morning of pampering and preparation. The soothing scents of lavender and rosemary filled the air, calming my young nerves as the maids busily prepared for the day ahead. "Not too long in the water, young master," Harry cautioned, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Emerging from the dressing room, I admired my reflection, dressed in a charming blue ensemble that perfectly matched my youthful spirit. "You look like a little prince," Annie remarked, adjusting a stray hair with a gentle touch.

Chuckling softly, I replied, "I feel like one!" My youthful exuberance echoed through the room, eliciting smiles from all present.

Descending to the dining room, the enticing aroma of breakfast beckoned, signaling a morning of celebration and joy. Fluffy pancakes, fresh fruit, and aromatic teas adorned the table, a feast fit for a young prince's birthday.

"Ah, the breakfast of champions!" Big Brother exclaimed, playfully stealing a berry from my plate.

Laughing, I retorted, "Hey, that's mine!" Our cheerful banter filled the room, echoing the joy and love that bound our family together.

With satisfied appetites and hearts full of anticipation, Daddy announced, "It's time." Our journey to the grand church awaited, a sacred pilgrimage filled with blessings and divine purpose.

Upon entering the grand church, a sense of awe enveloped me. Towering arches, stained glass windows, and sacred chants created an atmosphere of reverence and devotion. Guided by the Bishop's gentle hand and God's divine proclamation, I felt a profound connection, a moment of spiritual awakening that transcended my tender years.

I felt a gentle presence envelop me, a familiar voice resonating within the depths of my soul. "Loren Angelo Siegmund, my beloved," God's soothing voice echoed, catching me by surprise.

"God? Is that you?" I whispered, awestruck by His divine presence.

"Yes, my child. Today, I bestow upon you a sacred task. As a saint, you shall serve as an administrator, safeguarding my divine providence and guiding others on their spiritual journey," He declared, instilling a sense of purpose and reverence within me.

"An administrator?" I pondered, intrigued by the magnitude of my newfound responsibility.

As the conversation with God concluded, I sensed a profound connection, a bond forged through love and divine guidance. "I am with you always, Loren," He assured, leaving me with a sense of peace and determination.

As the ceremony reached its pinnacle, a mystical object materialized—a kitten bearing a striking resemblance to me. "Look, Mommy! A kitten just for me!" I exclaimed, my eyes shimmering with innocent wonder and joy.

Rebirth In Asteria : The Saint Quests Where stories live. Discover now