Chapter Two- Hot Chocolate and Bruises

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 "Vienna Kennedy."

The awkward silence that follows the gasps around cling to every part of Vienna. Crowds of feet shuffle out of her way, but her feet don't move. Instead, her eyes stay cast onto the stage, looking through the glass bowl, with the hundreds upon hundreds of names in there. She can faintly hear Villiana repeating her name, though it's Saoirse's sobs near the front row that break her out of her trance.

Vienna turns towards Odella the only one besides Vera that hadn't stepped away from her. Rather, she was frozen in place. She's already looking over at her bestfriend, tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip trembles, lips are parted, as if she meant to say something but the words slipped her mind. Odella steps slightly towards her, engulfing her in a sharp hug.

The tears spill rapidly down Vienna's eyes now as she clings onto Odella, her fingernails seeping into her shoulder, her tears now staining the blouse she has on.

"I love you so much." Odella whispered shakily, refusing to let her go.

"I love you too." Vienna sobbed out in response, feeling the presence of a peacekeeper growing nearer my the second.

"Im so sorry, V, I'm so sorry." Odella cried. Their embrace was shortly and abruptly interrupted, with Vienna's arm being yanked backyards, immediately breaking their hug. Though through her determination, Vienna managers to push him off, grabbing Odella's hands. Odella tightens her grip, leaning forward to kiss her best friends forehead. "Try to win, please. Promise me you'll try." Their sobs had turned pathetic now, desperate and uncaring.

Two peacekeepers grabbed Vienna now, another holding Odella back. Through her agitated restrainment, Vienna hiccups as she's carried away. "I will. I will I promise." The peacekeeprs began to release her slightly, letting her walk on her own. There's was no chance of her winning, she thought as she dragged along the row of relieved girls but sympathetic girls. From the side of her eye, she could see Odella snaking her way over to Saoirse, holding her back to not make any more of a scene. They both knew that they would be able to say goodbye to her in a moment, as they had with Hyacinth.

She was so shaky on her way to the stage, the peacekeeper had to push her forward with each step she took as she kept fumbling over one another. She searched frantically in the crowd of boys before she found Blayze, his eyes were wide and his bottom lip had disappeared completely under his top lip. A few boys were looking towards him, trying to unpack his expression, though most were still preparing themselves for the boys' names to be drawn.

Vienna watched as people stared at her ridiculous state. Their sympathetic looks embarrassed her. It embarrassed her as she watched parents whispering to one another, recalling the fact that another Kennedy child has been reaped for the games two years in a row. 

Once she had reached the steps for the stage, she paused so the peacekeepers would let go of her, she had to keep one part of her dignity if she could. Though once they did, a part of her wished that they hadn't, as she stumbled up the stairs with great difficulty, gripping hopelessly onto the railing for support.

Villiana had a large smile on while she watched her walk up the stage, holding out her styled hand. "Wonderful!" She boomed, completely ignoring the tears. "Vienna Kennedy!" She said towards the camera, revelling in the glory of the show.

She stood solemnly on the stage, breathing heavily as she attempted to hold in her sobs. In response, soft hiccups left her mouth, though fortunately they were quiet enough to not be heard throughout the whole square, though loud enough of anyone on stage who was paying attention to hear.

She looked out towards the square, watching as Saoirse was being comforted by Odella and a friend of Saoirse that Vienna recognised, Irelyn, who had her arms locked with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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