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In a lavishly furnished office at the Luthra Group, Shaurya Luthra, the embodiment of charisma and power, sat perched on an elegant leather chair. His commanding presence filled the room, resonating with authority and confidence. Dressed impeccably in an olive green blazer paired with matching pants and a sleek black shirt underneath, every detail about him exuded sophistication and meticulousness.

His chiseled physique and broad chest bespoke a disciplined lifestyle, accentuated by his perfectly groomed thick black hair, styled flawlessly. His piercing brown eyes, sharp and discerning, flickered with intelligence as he delved into the contents of an upcoming project file spread out on his desk.

A smirk gradually curved his lips, a sign of satisfaction as he assessed the details before him, his mind already concocting strategies for success. With a swift motion, he reached for the phone, his fingers adorned with a watch on one wrist and a kada—a symbolic Punjabi bracelet—on the other, representing his roots and heritage, a precious gift from his dadi.

Get the marketing manager in my cabin, now, his voice resonated with authority as he commanded his personal assistant, his tone carrying a blend of authority and certainty, leaving no room for delay or hesitation.

Shaurya Luthra, a name synonymous with ambition and determination, poised in his luxurious office, ready to steer the company towards another triumph, his presence alone a testament to the drive and prowess that defined him.





Palak, with a hint of irritation lingering in her expression, received the instruction that she was summoned by the CEO, Shaurya Luthra, to his cabin. Despite her proficiency and dedication in her role as a marketing manager, the prospect of meeting him always irked her. She disliked him profoundly, finding his demeanor and attitude unappealing, but the professional decorum demanded compliance.

Bagging her position merely two years ago, fresh out of graduation, she had been ecstatic to land a job in such a prestigious company. Her parents had beamed with pride at her achievement, but her elder sister had expressed disdain, citing the presence of the hottest CEO as her main qualm. Palak had merely rolled her eyes at her sister's jests, knowing she was here to work, not engage in frivolous gossip about her boss.

Having interacted with the Luthra family on business occasions, Palak had been embraced warmly by everyone, except Shaurya's aunt, an unwelcoming presence she chose to ignore. The fondness shown by the Luthras had made her feel valued and appreciated within the company, despite Shaurya's indifference.

The enigma for Palak remained Shaurya's evident aversion towards her. She harbored no special affection for him, but his lack of acknowledgment or appreciation for her efforts puzzled her. Despite her best endeavors, his recognition remained elusive, a fact that perplexed her as she embarked on her way towards his cabin.

With a resolve to maintain professionalism and competence, Palak walked towards the CEO's cabin, bracing herself for the inevitable encounter with the man she found vexing, yet undeniably the authority she had to answer to.





In a moment of anticipation, Palak knocked on the CEO's cabin door, and a commanding voice echoed from within, Come in. She pushed the door gently and stepped into the room, facing Shaurya Luthra, the man who often found ways to unnerve her, yet his mere presence was captivating.

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