McQueen's Race to Lose

Start from the beginning

As Sheriff began to walk off the track, Luigi excitedly ran up and took his place. Luigi was laughing enthusiastically as he said, "My friend Guido, he dream to give a real race car a pit stop!" Guido then ran up with a bunch of tools and a tire hooked under his arms, a huge grin on his face.

"Pit Stop!" Guido agreed eagerly.

McQueen gave a mocking scoff. "The race is only one lap, guys. Uno lappo! Don't need any help. I work solo mio."

Luigi's smile fell, now an angry frown. "Fine. Race your way." He stomped haughtily off the track, Guiod staying behind.

"No pit stoppo. Comprendo?" McQueen reiterated, sounding more annoyed than before.

"Okay!" Guido exclaimed, still very much happy, before skipping off the track.

Sheriff cleared his throat from where he stood just off to the side of the dirt track. "Gentlemen! Start your engines!" He out slowly, heavy emphasis on each word for a more dramatic effect. The large beaming smile you were hiding on the inside started to slowly break through. Slowly.

Doc started his engine first, which sputtered and clunked and thumped just as it always did. A big puff of smoke even broke free from his tailpipe. But then came McQueen. With a big smirk on his face, he started his engine and revved it loudly in one quick second, and the sound...

You were starstruck. That engine had the most ferocious and most thunderous and most heavenly purr! It really put yours to shame. The sheer power it exerted was enough to send shivers down your spine, enough to send deep vibrations running directly into and through your insides. It was grand and glamorous enough to strike your very heart with furious trembles.

There was no helping it. The smile you were hiding burst full force onto your face, pearly whites showing and all. For a second, you caught yourself, smile quickly falling from your face as you tried to conceal it. You were ashamed to be so excited over something belonging to someone you so very hated, and needless to say you sure didn't want to risk McQueen getting a glimpse of your childish enthusiasm. It would just be another thing he would try to get at you for. And so, your smile faded away...only to come back seconds later. There really was no helping it.

Luigi ran up to stand by Sheriff's side, a large checkered flag in hand. He was a giddy giggling mess. You couldn't help but chuckle. "On your mark, Get set. Uno for the money, due for the show, tre to get a-ready, and quattro to... Go!"

With a quick flip downward of the flag, McQueen's tires began spinning faster than your eyes could process as he zoomed down the track, gone in a flash and leaving nothing but a ginormous cloud of dust behind him. Everyone burst into cheers, and you couldn't help but voice your amazement either with a small laugh. However, when the dust cleared away, everyone saw Doc's car still sitting at the starting line. It hadn't moved an inch.

"Doc, the flag means go." You heard Luigi say with a worried tone. "Remember the flag? Here we go. Go!"

"Um... Doc, what are you doing, man?" Ramone called down.

Doc rolled down his window slowly. "Oh, dear. It would seem I'm off to a poor start." He said with so much fake disappointment in his voice, you could practically see the sarcasm written on his lips. "Well, better late than never. Come on, Mater!" He called. You noticed Mater flinch, caught off-guard. "Might need a little help."

"Um, okay." He replied with a curious look in his eyes. He climbed into his truck and slowly made his way down the bank. Doc finally started to move, but it was nothing more than a leisurely cruise with Mater matching his speed. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself. Doc sure could be quite the character when he wanted to be.

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