When bella went to sleep Evan knocked on the door and was with mariana and scorpio. Emily open the door she screamed because mariana was all beat up and scorpio couldn't breathe much. Bella woke  up from the noise and ran down stairs. She saw mariana and scorpio beat up.
"WHAT HAPPEN"said bella
"Nathan found us and ya"said mariana
"And nina"breathless scorpio
"Scorpio lay down"said evan
"OKAY"said bella
"wait what happen to nina did she beat you up"said emily
"no i did she ran away"said mariana
"then who beat you up"said emily
"nathan did"said mariana
"WHAT HE CAN'T HIT A GIRL"said bella
" I know so i'm going to report him"said mariana
"how"said bella
"I have a plan"said mariana
"mmmmm what is it"said bella
"You'll see"said mariana
Then when everyone went to sleep there was a knocked on the door Bella and scorpio were talking in the living room. Bella went to open the door she saw darly. Scorpio ran up the stairs before daryl saw him. Daryl came in and closed the door and took bella hand and sat down on the coach he need to talk to her. They were just talking about the shower again.
When everyone woke up they saw daryl and bella sleeping again scorpio got really mad so he left and once again mariana followed him without anyone knowing. They went to a coffee shop and talking what going on.

"What going on with you and bella"said mariana
"nothing just nothing"said scorpio
"Are you sure you were pretty mad when you left the house"said mariana
"ya i'm sure"said scorpio
"you even slapen the door"said mariana
"you know up how about you mine your own business"said scorpio
"I can't bella is my best friend and she always tell me anything she has in mine and you're her friend and it seems you like her"said mariana
"I didn't say i like her"said scorpio
"oh okay then"said mariana
"will i don't just like her"said scorpio
"than what"said mariana
"I'm in love with her every time i see her she makes me blush and smile she always seems happy and i just love her but she has a feeling for daryl to"said scorpio
"what do you mean to"said mariana
"she said she loves me"said scorpio
"awww but why would she say that she loves daryl i mean loooove him"said mariana
"i know but i don't know she gets people confused"said scorpio
"i know she does but it hard for her to pick who right for her"said mariana
"ya but i think she loves daryl more than me"said scorpio
"you don't know that"said mariana
"ya but she dating him"said scorpio
"What ever let just eat"said mariana

Daryl left the house but he kissed bella and told her to meet him at the house tonight. Bella was freaking out. Scorpio told Mariana to go with him to california to do something with him so she put a letter on the kitchen table  so let everyone know where they at and they will leave so bella and evan don't stop them from leaving. when bella read the letter she was really mad and what going on between with the two of them. when they arrived to california she asked him what we are doing here again I just need to get out of my mind and your my close friend right now.

"so what now"said mariana
"what do you mean"said scorpio
"what are we going to do here"said mariana
"go to disney world"said scorpio
"okay then"said mariana
"Hey do you think bella is mad at me cause i left"said scorpio
"I think she would be"said mariana
"aww man"said scorpio
"I think my boyfriend mad at me"said mariana
"noo he not we just staying here for two weeks"said scorpio
"I know but that kinda two long what are we going to do here for two weeks anyway"said mariana
Bella called scorpio but no answered she was pissed off but evan doesn't know yet that mariana left with scorpio for two weeks. so Bella went up stairs and knocked on evan door. When he open it he thought it was mariana.
"Can i please come in"said bella
"ya sure just let me put in a shirt"said evan
"Okay" Said bella
"sit what do you want for"said evan
"oh it just that i have bad news"said bella
"what did the kids do"said evan
"it wasn't the kids"said bella
"oh then what"said evan
"it hard to say so here it is mariana went with scorpio to california for two weeks"said bella
"I don't know I try to call them but no answered"said bella
"I'll call her she will answered me i know that"said evan
"Okay then"said  bella
Evan calls Mariana and she picks up.
"hello"said mariana
"He wanted me to and he need alone time but i couldn't let him do that"said mariana
"What know you love him that why you did it"said evan
"no I just thought he shouldn't be by himself because something might happen"said mariana
"ya like what"said evan
"I don't he might kill himself or get beat up"said mariana
"he a werewolf"said evan
"hey tell her to put scorpio on i need to talk to him"said bella  
"Hey bella said to put scorpio on"said evan
"mmm i don't know if he wants to but i'll ask him"Said mariana
"Hello"Said scorpio
"hey why you left for"said bella
"because there too many problem and you are better off with daryl"said scorpio
"I know that it doesn't mean you to leave you could find someone else and i'm sorry it hard not seeing you"said bella
"I know but it time for me to move on you could not worry about me anymore"said scorpio
"But i am worrying about you because you're gone"said bella
"i'm sorry but i'll try to come back in two weeks now bye"said scorpio
When scorpio hanged up mariana was talking to a hot guy was by his job and shirtless she was like flirting with him.Scorpio grab her cause she has a boyfriend and they're going to disney land.

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