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"Where were you?"

Albert's voice had stopped you in your tracks, but you didn't dare turn to him as you parked your motorcycle in your garage, putting your keys deep inside your pockets so he wouldn't steal him. You knew him, not that well, but you knew him to the point where he tried to steal your things to keep you from going outside.

But, really, that's never stopped you from sneaking out. Honestly, he may be famous but he's got the brain of a fish.

"None of your business," you responded, closing your eyes as you pretended to take your boots off. Eye contact wasn't something difficult for you, but you really didn't have enough energy to deal with his bullshit at the moment. You'd rather be sleeping.

Albert scoffed. "None of my business? Sweetheart, you forget who made you-"

Of course, you cut him off.

"You forget whose house you're living in, sweetheart. I can make you homeless in the blink of an eye if I really wanted you out of my life. You may have made my name more known, but don't forget who it was that made sure you succeeded." 

Your words made him lose both his stance and his breath. He gulped, knowing you were right. If you exposed him and really made him homeless, fans would go berserk. Not only on you, but on him as well. Fans would turn on him in just a blink of an eye, and both you and him knew that.

But it just so happened that you knew better than he did.

And so, Albert pursed his lips, looking down at his feet, full of shame like he always was. He was an asshole, and he knew that. He would do anything to repair the relationship, but it was too late for something like that.

Not in these conditions, no. 

"You can't keep running away from this relationship," Albert reminded you as you took a step, foot in between the garage and the living room, where the door was inside. "You know that just as well as I do."

"There's nothing to save, Albert. If not for keeping a strong image, I would have left you a long time ago." You said, taking your boots off and placing them near the front door, where Albert followed you to.

"But if we tried-"

You pursed your lips at his words. His.. good for nothing words that didn't make him the gentleman he made himself out to be in public.

"I've tried hard enough!"

Like a delicate thread, you snapped.

"For you. For us. For.. everything that I've done to maintain both our images in the public eye. For the times that I've tried to communicate. Don't you think, even for one second, that I am tired? That I'm not as strong as I make myself out to be when I'm being interviewed? Do you not think that I'm not affected by the words of your stupid fangirls on the internet?!"

You breathed in, and out, and in, and out. You weren't used to screaming, and this outburst shocked both of you.

"If I could take back everything I did for you, I would have. Without fucking hesitation, Albert. But I'm doing this for me now. Not for you. Not for your image. Not for your fame. I'm staying in this relationship because I want to uphold my image. And fuck me for being selfish, because that's quite literally all you've been doing ever since you've gotten recognition."

You've spoken in a calmer voice, but the hurt and the anger was there. He could hear it. Every word laced with venom, malice, and the intention to hurt. 

He took it all because he knew.

He knew he deserved it.

But he wasn't going to let you walk out of this one so easily. Not without him apologizing. Because, fuck it, he still loved you.

"Hey, how about we get married one day?"

You had asked him one day, walking alongside him as you were walking towards the agency he was interviewing in. It was the day of his interview. The day where you and him would find out if everything you did was worth it.

But he knew that, even if it still wouldn't work out for him and his band, then you would still find ways to make them grow.

"Married? Where'd you get that idea, sweet?" He asked, chuckling and raising an eyebrow as he fought the urge to let out an extremely large grin.

You huffed, rolling your eyes. "Just a random thought! But you gotta promise, of course. You are the love of my life, Al."

You smiled, your softer side, that he only got the pleasure of seeing ever so often, showing itself to him once again for the nth time in your happy and healthy relationship.

"Can't let you slip away now, can I?"

Oh, but you did.

"And the promise about getting married?" Albert silently questioned, but once he looked up, there was nobody there. You had gone up to your room once again, and it was because of him.


He sighed, rushing all the way up to your room and knocking on it softly. Gently, he whispered your name. "I know you're in there. Can we talk?"

No reply.

"Sweet, come on.."

While you lay on your bed, earphones attached to your ears as you turned your music up to the highest volume. Some good Nirvana was beneficial to you in this state of "grace".

Well, it didn't really help that a notification popped up in your phone, too. Ah. Some random people had followed you just recently. 

You were about to turn your phone off, thumb on the sidebar before your eyes widen as you checked the names of the followers.







Six verified accounts, following another verified account. Nothing too out of the ordinary, right? No, not to the common folk. Not to people who weren't invested in the lives of artists and influences. Nothing too odd, right?


You almost screamed, sitting up as you stared at the notifications. Ada Wong, Carlos Oliveira, Claire and Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and that hot cop you saw the other day? All of them, really? At the same time, too! That's.. crazy.

You pinched yourself, wincing once you did. Okay, so you definitely weren't going crazy. They had just followed you, a not-so known ice skater..?

You slapped yourself, throwing your phone softly on your bed as you stood up and looked outside the window.

"The moon is beautiful tonight.."

And, in some place, Carlos smiled as he stared up at the moon. 

"Yeah, it is."

Jill raised an eyebrow at her friend, looking at him weirdly. "Who the hell are you talking to, weirdo?" She asked, looking at him from toe to head with a disgusted face. 

Carlos gave Jill his boyish grin, making her grimace. "Nobody, really. Just felt like I had to say that, for some reason!"

Jill rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she chuckled and leaned onto the wall and looked up at the moon, then back at him. "You know, you're the reason why I'm not interested in men. You were my gay awakening, in all the wrong reasons."

"And you were the reason why I just prefer to shut up sometimes. Thanks, Valentine."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, resident evil (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now