Blank Space

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"HIJA WAKE up for school, can't be late on your first day," Isabella groans as her dad's voice echoes through the room. Her bed felt more comfortable than usual, but it always seemed like that when it required her to get up

Slowly Isabella Lopez gets out of bed and throws on a white skirt alongside a black and white striped sweater. Her eyes search her messy room for a pair of white docs

"Where are they," she muttered

A knock on the door made her head fling up and her dad was holding a pair of white boots "Left these in my room when you were asking me what to wear," The small brunette grabbed the shoes jumping to put them on as they go to the kitchen

"Gracias, breakfast? This is new," Her dad laughs and slides her the waffles "Don't be charmed its off-brand eggos from the fridge," As Isabella stuffs her face she shrugs "Better than nothing, ready to go?"

The father-daughter duo walks to the beaten-up truck outside, "So are you excited about your new school?" The young girl shrugs and looks out the window while letting out a sigh "Just hoping it's not full of hicks and maybe have some decent people,"

"HAVE A good day mi amor, ill be back at 3:30," Isabella gives her dad a smile before letting out a deep breath. A new school was the last thing she wanted, all she really wanted was to be back in her hometown

Heads turn as Isabella walks through the door, a sign directs her to the main office and she tries to avoid any and all eye contact from the weird people that invade this place. As she enters the office one of the secretaries sends her a smile

"Im here to pick up my schedule?" the older lady nods and hands her a piece of paper "Gracias"

Isabella walks through the hallway trying to find her locker, as she counts down the row two boys are taking up her space "Um excuse me that is my locker," the tall lanky boy slides off "Im sorry, are you new?"

Isabella nods as she undoes her lock, "Im a transfer from California, my name is Isabella. And you are," He lets out a nervous laugh before speaking, and having a short stutter "Im Nathen Walter, do you need any he-"

The other boy buts into the conversation before Isabella can accept the offer "Actually I can help her, looks like we have first-period math together, im Issac by the way," The brown girl smiles "Thank you i really appreciate it,"

"Anyway im out I'll see you at lunch Issac, and hopefully you too Isabella," She waved the sweet boy goodbye as he walked away holding his bookbag straps close to his body, as Isabella turned she felt her stuff get taken out of her hands

"Just thought it would be more helpful this way, so what brings you out here? I mean if i were you i would've stayed in California," He sends her a small smile, it was sorta comforting knowing she has a fresh start here

Isabella shrugs "Dad wanted to start over, we both needed a fresh start," Issac nods as he holds the door open for her. He walks to the back and sets her stuff down on a desk right next to his, as she sits her eyes make her way around the classroom

The black-haired boy smiles at the girl as she looks around trying to figure out what she has gotten herself into "So what do you think," Isabella looks at him and lets out a confused 'hm'

"About the school, I know it's new so," She is about to speak but the teacher beats her to it

An older man leads the class and gestures to Isabella "How about I have to come up front Ms. Lopez and introduce yourself," She nods as her feet make their way up to the front, Isabella clears her throat before speaking up

"Hi um my name is Isabella Lopez, I moved here from California and I definitely would like to go back to my seat. Thank you," Small laughs fill the room as the small Hispanic girl finds her way back to her seat and the teacher gets the day started

LUNCH TIME rolled around and this is the part of the day that Isabella was dreading. Lunch is the most awkward time of a new kid's day, where does a new kid sit when they have no friends but she does have a friend in Issac right? Hopefully, it wasn't just one-sided

She grabs her lunch bag out of her locker and walks into the cafeteria, her eyes skim the lunch room and then makes eye contact with Nathen the cute kid from earlier. He waves her over to join the group of boys

"Hey, Isabella! Let me introduce you to everyone okay," She nods and sets her bag on the table

Before Nathen speaks Issac walks up to the table and sits down "Where were you at Issac, usually you the first one here," The boy shrugs and looks over at Isabella flashing her a quick smile

"Back to the topic, this is Alex, He is my brother, then obviously Issac, and his brother Lee are my cousins," the brown-haired girl raises her eyebrows "So is everyone here related to you guys or?"

Alex lets out a small laugh "No but there is eight of us, so keep your eye out,"
"So how are you liking it here so far Isabella?" She begins to eat her sandwich as Nathen asks the question "It is definitely way calmer than my old school im used to a lot of drama and fights im not going to lie but it's alright,"

Issac lets out a laugh "The closest we've gotten to a fight is Alex and Cole over Paige," The brunette who is known as Alex rolls his eyes still seemingly salty about the whole situation

After a bit of eating everyone packs up and begins to go back to classes, "So Isabella,"

"So Issac,"

He lets out a small laugh "What do you think of hanging out sometime, there's this bonfire at the end of the week and i think you will like it," She smiles and nods "I think it sounds like a great idea,"


I hope you guys enjoy! Make sure to leave comments with any ideas, so so much love to you guys and have an amazing night or day!

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