My First Encounter Pt. 2

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Lily's point of view:

          Well, that settles it! I will try my hardest to make him my friend! I am not giving up that easily in creating a friend in school! I did not beg my mom for 3 years straight to put me in a public school, after all, this is what I wanted the most right? Human interaction, and not being by myself in my room doing classwork like I was in the entirety of middle school. Being looked at with disgust is nothing compared to being lonely at home doing homeschool. I guess I was the only one who heard him because I did not hear or see anyone else react to what he said to me. 

And I was still smiling too, "Well... it's still okay if we greet and talk to each other even though we have never met before... It is how humans get to know each other better, no?" I said, a little bit nervous from his previous response. 

He didn't say anything.

"Bryan we can be friends you know, we are in 9th grade it is a great year to meet new people! I am so happy that you were seated here next to me!" I said with a closed smile, recuperating my pride. Bryan then started to speak, "Yeah we sit next to each other, so what? That doesn't mean I am required to get to know you, even worse, be your friend," he said starting to sound annoyed. 

"But... I would like to finally talk to someone who isn't my mom for once... and you seem kind... I can tell you are lonely too," I said. It's true, he seemed like the lone wolf type. "I may be alone, but at least I'm not a fucking no-lifer like you. Now stop fucking talking to me ,Jesus Christ."

I'm not going to lie... his words did hurt me. 

But I must keep pushing forward, there must be a reason why he's like that... how harsh can he be? 

"I'm sorry you feel that way about me talking to you, but I would just like to get to know someone at least at school... and it's easy if I talk to you because you sit right next to me..." I explained to Bryan, but he seemed angry. His eyebrows were starting to become angry. He then looked at me straight in my eyes. I stared at him back blankly. "What the hell is your problem? Do you not get what I'm telling you bitch? Was I not clear enough? No, no you did understand me, you just decided to ignore what I told you, do you have a death wish or something, want me to put you in the hospital you fucking whore?"  

Then the lunch bell rang, which made me jump from my seat a little.

he shoved his desk and hurried off and I watched him walk away from me.

like how my father walked away from momi and me.

I messed up.

I must have done something wrong for Bryan to treat me like that. I must follow him and apologize. 

My Vanilla BullyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ