six, lets hang out

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📍short chapter📍

sadie's pov:
as i sat down, i felt my phone vibrate. pulling it out, it was a text from brady.

hey wyd

                                       nothing much lol wbu?

let's hang?

                                            alright- my house?

nah come to mine <3

                               sure! be there in 15 ?

yessir 🫡
as i speed to get ready, the sound of taylor swift in the background calms me. last night, at the carnival,

brady leaned in and kissed me. i don't know what came over me to kiss him back! i mean, we're supposed to enimies, right?

i change into a pair of grey sweatpants and a pink fresh love t- shirt. after, i do my mascara, making sure i look presentable.

"okay," i pant, out of breath. "ready." i go downstairs and get greeted by dad. "hey, dad! can you drive me somewhere?" i ask.

"sure. where?" he questions, i hesitate considering me and brady are "not friends." "uh," i pause. "brady's.." i trail off.

knowing he wants an explanation why, i get ready to explain. truth is, i've liked brady since second grade!

"what? why?" he asks. knew it. i thought. "um, we're kinda friends? and he asked me to hang out today." if mom was here, she wouldn't ask.

"sure. but only if you promise to stay at his house." he warned, i nodded. "alrighty. you ready?" i smile. "yeah."


"hi!" brady greets as he opens the front door. "hey!"

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