Sounds of objects falling echoed loudly in the shop. Minato frantically rushed to the front recognizing Gojo's voice. He couldn't believe his ears as it's been awhile since Minato last saw Gojo. His fast footsteps scurried, pushing past shelves and tables until he came to the front shop where Gojo looked off into space.

"G-Gojo!!" Minato called in shock mixed with anxiety. "You're back. What about y/n?!"

Gojo flickered his icy blue eyes at Minato who stiffened up his posture. "Y/n is in a predicament. I need the weapon now. It's the only way to save her. Make this short because time is running out."

Minato gulped. As much as he wanted to chitchat, he didn't want to anger Gojo any further. He's not a sorcerer so he couldn't understand the stress. "I'll be right back."

Gojo watched Minato run to the back of the store. I have to stab her with that weapon. I'm not too sure how close I can get with her if Sukuna will understand how to use her cursed technique. At this point, I'm going to have to rely on Minato to create something to neutralize her technique. I'll also need a strong sedative to render her. Ugh, gosh. That means I have to find Rai, that sneaky bastard. Geez I have to rely on people to help take down Sukuna in y/n's body. What a bad combination. Gojo said to himself as it hurt him to think about this. He hoped after this fiasco, you and him could live peacefully.

"Okay! I'm back!" Minato presented the weapon as it's covered in cloth as a protective layer.

Gojo took it and asked him a favor. "Minato, I need you to create some type of device that can cancel out cursed techniques. It has to be like a barrier that neither me or y/n can escape. I need it done by today. I trust you can complete this when I come back tonight?"

Minato's eyes sparkled and widened at this opportunity. He couldn't believe Gojo still had faith in him after what he had caused. His lively face nodded at Gojo's request. "Absolutely! I won't let you down!"

The next stop was to find Rai. Gojo navigated through all the black markets in a disguise until he stumbled upon the very red hair and rabbit mask he recalled from back then. It stabbed his pride that Rai was the one who created a potion to cause Gojo's teetering death.

"Mr. Rabbit Man," Gojo called, walking up to his booth.

Rai immediately knew who his next customer was. The striking blue eyes hidden under a dark hood and the specks of white hair peering out. How could he not remember him? It's because of his clan who allowed him his freedom with his head attached to his body.

"Remember how my family protected you? I need a favor back. This involves my wife."

His wife? He's married now? It's with y/n, right? Were they even dating? I don't know. Rai questioned because he would've heard the news spreading if it happened.

Rai leaned in to whisper closer to Gojo's ear. He didn't want any passersby to listen into the conversation. "Are you talking about miss y/n? I want to be on the same page with you, so I don't get confused if you're not with her."

"Yes, who else would it be?" Gojo said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

Rai shrugged. His life is in the black market. How's he supposed to know what's the latest news in the jujutsu world? He's hiding from the authorities. "Well, I don't know! That's why I asked. It's been months and I didn't know you two were together and married! I thought you guys were friends or something."

"We're not married yet... But we will soon. She's the only woman I wanna be with, so claiming her as my wife will make men back off."

"But what if she doesn't want to be your wife? You sound very pushy. Women don't like pushy men. It turns them off." Rai knew this since his clients were women with relationship problems and wanted to find a way out or how to fix their partners' behavior.

Gojo didn't appreciate this and he didn't want to think about the rejection because he knew it wasn't going to happen. "Anyways! I need a strong sedative to—!"

"Woahhhhh!!" Rai backed away with his hands in the air. He connected the dots. Rai didn't want to be dragged into a messy situation and be thrown under the bus for a criminal act. "I don't offer those predatory services. I know your family and y/n saved me, but if you're planning to take y/n against her will, I'm going to—"

"What?!" This confused Gojo as that was never his intention. He's insulted by Rai's assumption. "I would never stoop that low! Who do you take me as?! You're misunderstanding me."

Rai spoke with his hands, flustered about this. "Well, it sounds suspicious because you said you guys aren't married and then proceeded to tell me you're claiming her as your wife, never mentioning if y/n is ok with this!! I've come across many bad people with horrible intentions! I don't want that type of string to be attached to me."

Gojo's eyes squinted and his mouth dropped, fed up by this revelation. "No... Don't lump me in with those rotting bastards! I need sedatives because y/n has become a vessel to Sukuna and the easiest way for me to fight her is to sedate her. I don't want to beat her into a pulp. I would never forgive myself. I wanna make it easier for me and her."

"Oh..." Rai felt quite embarrassed when he allowed his emotions and past encounters to get the better of him. "I apologize for jumping to conclusions. You should've said it right off the bat. I do have what you're looking for."

Rai mentioned the different types of sedative Gojo could choose and he picked out powder as it can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled and tiny particles in the air. Rai recommended Gojo to wear gloves so it didn't affect him too.

After a visit to Rai's, Gojo headed back to Minato's shop where he received four 12 inch ruler sized sticks. Minato explained what the device was. "The four sticks will create a little force field where it contains you and the other person in, canceling out cursed energy in total."

"So it's going to be a battle of raw strength." Gojo's amused by Minato's brilliant plan. He pulled it off in a matter of hours. Gojo knew he could win and end the fight quickly.

"I have a controller right here." Minato pulled out a hand held controller with a turning knob. "This knob right here can increase and decrease the cancellation."

"Minato, I have a job for you..." Gojo explained the situation and asked Minato to control the device until Gojo's able to render you weak then he'll stab you with the weapon to exorcize Sukuna.

This swelled Minato's heart as this task was entrusted to him by Gojo. He didn't want to let you or Gojo down. He smiled brightly, "Yes, sure thing!!"

"Good! I'm heading off." Despite the unfortunate circumstance, Gojo headed home to train and fleshed out his plan and any back up plan if something went wrong. He couldn't let his guard down; it's Sukuna he's facing, not you. 

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