I look around not seeing many people yet, since we arrived quite early.

After our arrival here, it was soon followed by the whole team, coming out of the fireplace by pairs.

"Mora!" I then Vik calling me, so I look to my left and see him going towards us.

I let go of Ginny's hand and went towards him and into his arms, snuggling in them, as I feel him do the same, nuzzling his head onto my neck.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask him softly.

"Well I'm doing much better now that you're here. I don't know why, but I just suddenly got nervous about this game. I mean like, it's ridiculous, since I've been playing in this team for like 2 years now, and also have experienced playing against the Americans-" He begins to ramble.

I giggle lightly before placing a small kiss at his jaw which has now a small stubble, "It's alright to be nervous, Vik, I mean for you normally, you wouldn't be even playing with the team for like the whole year since you still would be in school, but this is you're first year as a complete and official player. It's normal to be nervous. That feeling won't go away. It's normal for you, for us, for humans to feel that way."

He sighs before placing a peck on my lips repeatedly, "Thanks Love, you always know what to say."

I smile into the kiss and nods lightly, "Well, let's introduce my team to yours then?"

We then heard a commotion behind us and turn to see both teams interacting with each other, happily, "Or maybe not."

The Game

We're now in a box, quite high up, to see the whole stadium.

And the game started. Well has been for about 20 minutes. And everything has been going well.

Well, I'd say, a normal well.

"FUCK YOUUU! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT??" Fred shouts to an American player, who had been targeting one of his new buddies one the team.

"HEY! YOU BASTARDS! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT LATER! I'LL BE COMING AT YOU!" Iliana shouts as well to a player who hit her cousin with a bludger.

"Bloody hell.." Harry mutters while looking at most of the players who are has lots of bruise.

"Ah shit." I bit my lip looking at Vik who has been eyeing the snitch. He has eye one the snitch, but just been waiting for the right time to get it. Since he's team still isn't in the lead on the scoreboard. He's been bruised up, but not the way just a 20 minute game later type of bruise. Usually he wouldn't have any bruise for the first like 30 minutes, but now he had a large black eye on the right, and a bleeding fist.

"Damn.. Is this how bloody Quidditch really is? Like profedsionally?" Ginny asks wide eyed.

My eyes still at Vik, who's not still willing to take a break and still has his eye on the snitch, "Not really.. Usually, from what I see, the Americans are quite chill about playing Quidditch. But this year, most of the players in their team are new. And quite young too. They're playing very different from their Seniors."

Yup, this game really made most of my team restless too.

And finally, Vik got tired of waiting. After 10 minutes, he dived for the snitch, after one of his teammates scored a goal. And luckily that goal would made up the score. 150 points for the snitch. They're currently at 90, while the Americans are at 120.

"AND KRUM'S GOT THE SNITCH!! THE BULGARIAN TEAM WINS WITH 240 POINTS!" We all jumped in excitement and happiness.

"OH THANK MERLIN!" I cried out happily, then I raced down to where their players are placed. So I could get Vik and the rest of the team healed up.

I rushed to where the rest of the team were, and was glad to see Vik already here immediately.

Vik spots me and gestures for me to come towards him, and so I did.

I place my arms around his neck, "Thank Merlin you're back. Congrats on the game Love," I then made him seat so I could place my hand over his eye.

I place my hand over his eye which had the bruise, and my hand begins to glow while he says, "Thanks Mors, love the shouting from you and the rest of the team though."

I blush lightly about it and kick him gently on his leg, by my own, in which he chuckled at and brought both of his arms around my waist, and tugged me closer to him, while still letting me heal his eye.

I took my hand out from above his eye and see that it is fully healed, and I breathed out a sigh of relief. Then I placed a hand on his right fist that was bleeding a while ago. Then wrapped around it. Then it glowed again. This one healed much faster than his eye.

He stands up after his fist was healed and hugged me tightly, peppering kisses on my neck, "I love you,"

I smile against his neck, and placed a light kiss on it, "And I love you,"

I smile against his neck, and placed a light kiss on it, "And I love you,"

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