.⚘: Author's Note :⚘.

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Hello my wonderful friends! Welcome to a brand new story!

Soooo yeah, I've got a bit of explaining to do with this one xD

At one point, I posted an announcement talking about how I was pivoting from my planned next WIP because it was going to need some time to be outlined and things fixed and all that. And very abruptly, I went from that story to this one with very little development on this one haha

So basically I came up with the beginnings of this story in two separate parts: one story about Ira and Jayt and another about Meiyan and Nykoah. But then I realized their worlds have the same vibes and totally could be the same and I joined them to make my first ever 4 person POV story! I'm not really big into having a lot of POVs in a story; four is kinda my max. And that's just personal opinion so no judgment if you like having more than that! But for me, 4 POVs was new territory. So this will definitely be fun and something a little different than you guys normally see from me!

Additionally, this story is definitely gonna be a little looser than Ethira was and definitely way looser than my other WIP is going to be. I came up with this idea about a week before I decided to make it my new WIP and then made a very rough outline in one day. Which generally outlines take me at least a few days, usually longer. So it's sorta gonna tend toward my pantser side like Austora did even though I did plot it out before hand. I'm hoping it makes my writing a little easier to stick with and keep writer's block at bay xD

Anyway, I say all that to say that this wasn't my planned next move but I'm excited for it anyway and I really hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks so much for sticking with my writing. Your support seriously means the world to me! <333

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