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As soon as I entered the Capitol station, I got blind.


My eyes where hit with a bazillion different colours, some of which I recognized, some I didn't. But there was one thing in common. All of them were too bright. It was....... Artificial.

Just as I recovered from my blindness again, I got blind again.

Why you ask?

Because as soon as the train doors opened, we were met with cameras flashing.

The bright light left black spots in my eyes. As I entered the Tribute Center, I was led to a lavish room. But this wasn't the vintage Justice Building kind of lavish. This was a dark modern kind of lavish.

In the centre of the room, there was a thin silver plate made of some kind of metal alloy. And about it was a.... Cloud?

I mean, it did look like a cloud. Soft fluffy, it even had that classic cloud shape and texture. And above all, it was floating midair. Yeah, that was super weird

There was a huge curved window right in front of the cloud and from it the night view of the entire Capitol could be seen. It looked very pretty.

As it was night, there were no overly bright colours visible. Instead, you could see pinpricks of lights everywhere, illuminated 3D billboards advertising some perfume and whatnot. The lights from the apartments were reflected off the shiny glass facades of the buildings which gave a very chic, modern vibe to the city. It felt as if I belonged there.

There was a grey couch facing the other wall. Beside the cloud bed was a vanity and on the wall above it were triangular shaped figures. But where was the lamp?

God, the Capitol was weird.

My escort popped up from the door. She smiled and asked, "Do you need any help honey?"

I contemplated for a second, if I should ask my doubts about the weirdness. I decided to ask it anyway.

"Uh, Esmeralda, do you mind telling me where's the bed? And the lamp?"

Esmeralda stared at me solemnly and deadpanned which was funny considering she still hasn't changed and had that gruesome makeup on.

Then she burst into fake sobs and said, 'Oh, honey! You must have had it so hard in District 2! Poor thing, can't even recognize basic furniture! "

"That, over there my dear", she pointed to the cloud, " is a bed."

You've got to be kidding me. No way tha-that cloud was a bed.

Esmeralda sighed sympathetically and said, "State of the art technology. In the middle of the cloud there is a bar of iron and that thin plate contains strong electromagnets which attract the matress enough so that it hovers midair but doesn't fall down. Of course, you won't feel the block of iron in the middle. They're way too talented for that."

For someone who looked quite shallow, she was actually pretty smart.

I soon found out that the window turned into a plasma screen TV and the little triangular shapes were actually lights, courtesy of Esmeralda.

Just as Esmeralda was about to leave, she stopped and said, "Oh, silly me! I almost forgot the reason I came here in the first place! You can rest up today and then tomorrow, when all the tributes arrive, you have the tribute parade. Also, Enobaria requires you in the main room in one and a half hour. Bye sweetie, enjoy! "

As soon as Esmeralda left, I tried out the cloud-bed. Surprisingly, it was pretty comfortable. But it felt too comfortable. As if I would slip right through it.

Eventually, I decided to take a shower and change seeing that I was still in my reaping clothes.

Even the shower was confusing. So many buttons and scents. I decided upon a pine and citrus scent and chose lavnder and tea tree oil. I also applied a sandalwood and rose moisturizer to soothe my super dry skin. Won't hurt to have smoother skin for a few more sponsors.

A/N: 300 reads! I can't believe it! Thank you so much for your support, specially to those people who don't give up on this story. Shoutout to madebyrach for the playlist inspiration and some ideas! More of their ideas to follow soon! Byeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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