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[Little warning, skip to -x- if you are not comfortable reading an attempted SA scene.
If you are skipping, what happens is that Sunghoon has a nightmare about Heeseung assaulting him, but it's not real]

His surroundings were soft and comfortable, Sunghoon felt warm and content. It was almost as if the events from the day hadn’t ever happened. If he ignored the scent from the alpha next to him, he could almost pretend he wasn’t married, that he was still alone and safe.

Something was off, though. As he rested with closed eyes, the sensation of something moving over him woke him up. He didn’t immediately open his eyes, choosing instead to wait and see what would happen. There wasn’t much he could do, and his guard was supposedly standing out the door, if there was any danger he could scream and a handful of knights would rush in. A cold feeling spread through his body as a hand slid under his shirt. The fingers were freezing and they cooled every centimetre of skin they touched. Sunghoon shivered as the hand moved upwards towards his chest and he finally decided to open his eyes.

There were two options in that moment and Sunghoon wasn’t sure which one was scarier. On the one hand, it could be a stranger; someone who’d managed to sneak in somehow and was attempting to assault him. If that were the case, one sound from him would have a bunch of people barging in and killing whoever had been equal parts brave and stupid. On the other hand, it could be Heeseung, his husband. His alpha. Maybe he’d woken up and wasn’t as tired anymore, maybe he wished to consummate the marriage sooner rather than later. If that were the case, Sunghoon could do nothing but accept the touches.

His heart beat fast and loud as he followed the hand, going up the arm to see Heeseung laying behind him. He’d thought he’d avoided this fate earlier, postpone it for a couple of hours, but it had been nothing but false hope. He closed his eyes again; he didn’t want to watch. He didn’t want to see what would happen next. His body belonged to Heeseung and if he wanted to take him, asleep or otherwise, he could do so. Unintentionally, Sunghoon tensed his muscles and breathed in shakily —he felt like crying.

“Now, don’t be like that,” Heeseung spoke above him. Sunghoon didn’t dare to open his eyes, swallowing through the knot in his throat and hoping it wouldn’t show how frightened he was. “I’ve been nothing but nice to you, so you’ll be good now, right?”

Sunghoon nodded, trembling but not wanting to anger the alpha. “Yes,” he answered in fear the alpha would want a verbal response. His face was forcefully and abruptly grabbed by the jaw, forcing his chin up and his eyes open out of shock.

“Look at me when you answer,” Heeseung demanded with a low growl hidden behind.

“Y-yes,” Sunghoon forced himself to keep his eyes open, though he could tell tears were gathering at them and ready to fall.

“Yes what?” Heeseung insisted, stare intense and threatening. Sunghoon actually feared for more than just the physical abuse; his life was on the line.

“Yes, a-alpha,” Sunghoon amended. He wished he could make his voice less timorous, but nothing could bring his nerves down at the moment.

“Good,” Heeseung finally let go of his jaw to rip his undergarments off. Sunghoon felt exposed and humiliated, but still didn’t move a muscle. The fear was way stronger than anything else he may be feeling. “Stay still and take it like a good omega,” Heeseung ordered. Sunghoon quickly nodded.

“Y-yes, a-alpha,” he repeated, looking straight at Heeseung. Even if every cell in his body was screaming at him to run and get help, he knew better than that. No one could help him. No one would help him.

For some naïve reason, he thought Heeseung may be considerate enough to stretch him out first, especially considering he wasn’t even wet. He quickly realised that wouldn’t be the case as Heeseung parted his legs with his hands and position himself at Sunghoon’s tight entrance. Sunghoon braced himself for the pain, there simply wasn’t any way around it. It would destroy him physically and mentally and he’d have to accept it.

Royal Misconception | HEEHOONWhere stories live. Discover now