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Chris (Your host!) has made a groupchat

Chris (Your host!) named the groupchat "WORLD TOUR!"

Beth: ??? Why???

Chris: So we can see what you guys have been up to off camera!

Heather: ignoring how creepy that sounds why tf would i want to talk to any of these people

Chris: Language

Chris: And because I said so

Duncan: ur not my dad wtf

Noah: you sound like a middle schooler.

Duncan: nobody likes u egghead

Gwen: someone does, actually

Chris: Oh?

Chris: Do tell!

Heather: omg u text exactly how u talk

Gwen: nahhhhh i don't rlly feel like it tbh

Chris: Man...

Chris: Well, things have a way of getting found out anyway on Total Drama, so I guess that's fine.

Courtney: Do we really HAVE to do this?

Chris: Yeah.

Beth: fml

Chris: Hey! That's not how a lady should talk!

Beth: casual misogyny core!!!

Heather: is it unladylike to tell u to kys

Chris: YES!

Heather: well guess i'm not a lady then

Heather: attached image: The transgender flag

Duncan: 🤨

Heather: its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke its a joke

Duncan: weird joke but okay

Alejandro: Hello?

Duncan: hi ig alejerkdro

Heather: wow it's alebitchdro

Lindsay: hii aardvark!

Gwen: yall r so mean to alejandro and for what

Noah: he's an eel thats why

Gwen: o

Sierra: heyyyyy everyone!!!

Duncan: hell nah bitch

Sierra: wow mean.

Courtney: what did she do to u???

Duncan: she's just weird w cody + i need someone to hate

Alejandro: You always need someone to hate? Wow, you must be fun at parties.

Duncan: keep your mouth shut pretty boy

PARTY GUY has removed Chris (Your host!) from WORLD TOUR!


Bridgette: geoff no, we're on a plane!

Geoff: Sneak into first class tmrw at 10:00, there's a secret spot

Duncan: of course there is


Courtney: Do we really need to have a party on a plane?

Heather: count me in that sounds tight as fuck

Gwen: of course it's heather

Noah: no thanks, it'll just be duncan and courtney yelling at each other while bridgette and geoff make out

Duncan: we broke up dipshit

Noah: thank GOD, your relationship was annoying from the start

Gwen: wait why?

Courtney: It was getting unhealthy

Courtney: We're trying our best to not have hard feelings though!



Duncan: i'll literally kill you psycho chick

Duncan: bloody gruesome murder

Cody: he won't kill you, he'll probably just punch you in the face


Alejandro: So you guys are broken up? For real?

Courtney: Yes for real🙄

Heather: courtney is fr the typa girl to unironically use emojis to convey her feelings

Courtney: You got a problem, queen bee?

Chris (Your host!) has added Chris (Your host!) to WORLD TOUR!

Duncan: how tf

Heather has named the groupchat "chris is not welcome here💜"

Chris: :(

Chef: Kids don't like you, Chris. Get over it.

Chef has removed Chris (Your host!) from WORLD TOUR!

Chef: I don't wanna be here either.

Chef has left WORLD TOUR!

Duncan: thank god

Lindsay: charcuterie? where did he go?

Heather: of course lindsiot has something to say

Beth: don't talk to my lindsiot like that >:(

Duncan: gays

Beth: kys!!!

Sierra: if either of you guys are lesbians do tell

Sierra: I need to update my blog for all the lgbtq+ people

Duncan: there's more???

Sierra: yeah!

Gwen: wait duncan wdym "more"

Duncan: i meant what i said bitch

Duncan: did you think i was a straggot

Courtney: So that's why we didn't work out...

total. drama. groupchat.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ