London Concert Night 1

Start from the beginning

You turned our song down baby what for
You had lit candles on the dashboard
Red roses growing out of the door
Wanna say something ya never said before
We were driving down Sunset
You know I like fast cars
Past by where we first met
Damn we made it so far
Red eyes from the red light
And that just set the mood
You say you're obsessed with me
So I took a second and I said me too

This was one of old songs I wrote about being "obsessed" myself even though I'm not it was I get back to all the hater saying I was and sure did shut them up have got hate like that in a while.

I'm obsessed with me as much as you
Say you'd die for me I'd die for me too
And if I lost you I'd still have me I can't lose
When you say that you're obsessed with me, me too

Singing to the song and walking around giving high fives to some fans whilst giving security guards a heart attack, was pretty funny and watching them how they put the hands out to hold some of the fans from jumping onto me.

I did my hair like waves on the beach
This dress so tight you can't even speak
My heels so high might get a nose bleed
Music's so loud but I hear your heartbeat

I walked away from the screaming fans and back to the middle of the stage I gave a look over to the family/friends section and Kyra, vic and Less where dancing a singing whilst the other girls where having fun singing and drink and some just watching with a smily recording.

We were driving down Sunset
You know I like fast cars
Past by where we first met
Damn we made it so far
Red eyes from the red light
And that just set the mood
You say you're obsessed with me
So I took a second and I said me too
I'm obsessed with me as much as you
Say you'd die for me I'd die for me too
And if I lost you I'd still have me I can't lose
When you say that you're obsessed with me, me too

It was so fun singing and old song that I hadn't sung in ages. Some fans held up signs requesting me to sing my old songs well wasn't this day lucky for them.

I'm obsessed with me as much as you
Say you'd die for me I'd die for me too
And if I lost you I'd still have me I can't lose
When you say that you're obsessed with me, me too

And finished well that was a blast to sing and the fans really enjoyed it that's for sure. I interacted with the audience and read out some interesting signs.
"Someone said you keep me gay oh do I now" I say laughing with I quite smirk trying to laugh to much
"Adopt me I know how to make a toastie" I laugh
"On a scale from 1-10 how good is Lot, ohh yeah nevermind not reading that out loud" I say realising what the rest off the sign said.

I started to sing more songs from different Albums and more singles then it got too the sad bit of the show.
"Alright guys" I say sitting on a stole I got given, "this part of the show is for people who need to grieve or just cry or feel sad for a couple of moments, I wrote an album called I miss you and released it a couple of months after something really depressing happened to me and my family, and many people know why I wrote this album because I have spoken about it in interviews and on other shows umm but the reason why I wrote it was I lost my dad it was for a very upsetting reason that people probably know but I'm not gonna talk about it but let's get on with it and scream the lyrics to these songs as loud as you can"I say getting of the stole
"And trust me if you cry you won't be the only one because I might drop a few tears as well and I know people in the audience who have experienced and sad passing away of someone the love' I looked towards the family section with my hand on my heart with a smile of a warmth feeling. Beth was already in tears and blew a kiss.
The music started playing.

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