Chapter 1: Not our father

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The day was going by fast, thankfully. Karmen, I, and our class were in our 2nd related arts class, Spanish 1.
I sat there bored since our teacher moved me and Karmen across the classroom away from eachother for talking. But, in my defense, how are you supposed to get to know someone if you don't talk to them 24/7? Boom. I win, right? But, apparently our Spanish teacher didn't think so, so we still got moved.

Don't get me wrong, Spanish class wasn't that bad, as long as there was food involved that the teacher gave us. Which there rarely was. So, most of the time I just sat there eating food other people brought from lunch. Because sharing is caring. :) As long as I'm not the one sharing.

I looked across the room at Karmen to see her doing the same thing I was. Being bored. I sighed, then looked back to the front of the class room. Just as the teacher was about to ask a question, the phone rang in her office. She quickly walked away to get it as me and Karmen simultaneously looked at each other.

"HIIII!!!!", I mouthed to Karmen. "HIIIII!!!!", she mouthed back. Suddenly, the teacher walks back into the room. "Karmen and Kelsey, you're leaving for dismissal."

We both looked at each other. "Like, together?" Karmen asked. "Yes." replied our teacher. We both got up, still confused, and walked to the door. Karmen screamed, "Adiós!" as we left the classroom.

Together, we got our stuff and went to the main office. I held the door as we bothed walked in. Behind the desk sat a secretary as she talked to an unknown man. Hearing the door close, the secretary turns to us and says, "Oh, here they are."

Karmen and I stare as the man turns around.

Do you ever have those moments where, you're so surprised and shocked you don't even know what to do? Yes? Well, if you do, you know exactly how I felt.

The man was dressed in a nice, crisp white suit with his blonde hair neatly done. He had beautiful blue-green eyes and a pearly white smile.

I look over at Karmen. Her eyes are wide and her mouth agape.

"Um, Dicaprio?" I say. I didn't know what else to say. It was Leonardo Dicaprio. Though, he was dressed like Jay Gatsby.

He gives me a sort of weird look, as if he didn't know who i was talking about, but still smiles. "No, I'm Gatsby." I nod, still in shock.

I look to Karmen again to see she's still the same, but I can tell she's excited, like me.

"Sooooo", I say. "What are you doing here?" He laughs. "Im here to pick you up, of course." he says. "Okay." I say. As long as I get to leave school, I'm good. Not gonna lie, I was extremely confused and still surprised. But, I was more excited than anything. I mean, Gatsby was standing right in front of me!

Gatsby looks at us and asks, "Are you two ready to go?" I nod and so does Karmen. I guess she got out of her shock state.

Gatsby takes our book bags and walks out the door of the office, us trailing behind. I look at the office woman before I leave and say, "Just so you know, that's not our father." Before she can reply, I'm already out the door of the school along with Karmen and Gatsby.

I look to the parking lot and see the same yellow car from the movie The Great Gatsby that Gatsby drives sitting there. I look to Karmen and we both squeal in excitement running to the car.

As Gatsby puts our bags in the back, Karmen yells, "I call shotgun!" as she gets in the front seat. I huff, "No fair!" I slowly make my way to the backseat, upset that I won't get to sit next to Gatsby. Well, at least I get to see the back of his head, I think to myself.

Gatsby soon gets in the car and starts up the engine. "I don't mean to be a party pooper", Karmen says, "but could you please explain what's going on........not that I'm not enjoying it." she adds.

Gatsby laughs. "Well, I guess I should explain......."

And with that, we were off.



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