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"Nishida-Sann!!" Tsk, just another boring day in your office filling in your paper work. The door burst open as you saw your assistant A/n scream your last name, or your mother's last name, to be exact.

"What?" You said coldly, per usual. But she seemed more alarmed that it was obvious she was running here because she's panting. "It's captain Levi! He's injured!"

Wait seriously? THE captain Levi, injured? Tsk, so much for being the strongest soldier of humanity. Of course I know that just because he's the so called 'strongest' doesn't mean he can't get injured, I'm just a really blunt human being.

"And? Just go ask a nurse to take care of him." You rolled your eyes to the back of your head, not wanting to leave your office because of all the paper work to be done by the end of the day.

"No can do doc! Sir Erwin is here too, and he's asking specifically for you!" She cheered, huh? Dad's here? That dipshit! Does he know how much work it is to be a doctor? Tsk.

You get up abruptly out of annoyance, while your assistant flinched. You put on your coat and started walking towards the room they were said to be in. Once you entered, you glare at your father, you hated him. His work was the reason they seperated! But if he truly loved mom, he'd find a fucking way. Instead he chose to be the speech giver of this damn country. Pathetic. Just pathetic.

"Y/n, you already know what to do here, I assume? Make sure you pay close mind to him. Or else you'll be in trouble with me." He said in a fatherly tone, while Levi raised a brow. Erwin placed a hand on your shoulder indicating he needed to leave but you simply swatted it away. He sighs and leaves the room, leaving you and Levi alone.

You looked him up and down with the same expressionless face. "Long time no see, Doc." He smirks. He hasn't changed at all, you ignored him and searched for the materials you needed from the drawers, searching from top to bottom.

"How can you search for the materials when you haven't even checked my wound yet, are you stupid? Smith." You punched your hand on the wall.

"Why can't you stay silent for a mere second, Ackerman?" You shouted, 'he pisses me off!' He just scoffs and laid back while looking out the window, thank God. After getting the materials, you knelt down in front of him and he smirks "weird way to propose, but no." He says, with sarcasm evident in his tone.

"Just take your shirt off if you don't wanna bleed to death, Ackerman." He had severe bleeding on the side of his stomach, but he was still acting nonchalant and arrogant. Tsk. He rolls his eyes and takes off his shirt, and his well defined abs were visible. And to think many women would kill to be in your place right now. Levi was VERY popular with the women here for some reason, while here you were, acting like it was the most normal thing to be seeing this.

With calm and delicate movements, you tied the bandage over his now none bleeding stomach, he looks at you for a mere second before looking away again after you noticed. "You're gonna have to rest here for a week or two, Ackerman." You scoffed at him saying the sentence you said this morning after hearing he was here, "so much for being the strongest soldier, tsk." He frowns at you and says something even more personal, "eh? You're saying that to the person who saved you and your mom from a Titan? I should've left you both to die."

You silent for a moment before simply leaving the room and slamming the door behind you. 'Yeah he saved me and my mom! And that's why I hate how weak I am! All I can do is save other people from wounds and injuries, nothing less, nothing more. I hate Levi with all my guts! Why did he have to be the one to save us?!' Just when you were ranting to yourself about how much you hated Levi a nurse interrupted, "uh, Doc...a patient is asking for you to treat them." She said, you looked at her and said "who is it? If it's no one important and just a guy from town don't bother to tell me and ask someone else for it."

You didn't even give her the chance to say who it was and she just nodded. You hated the fact Levi was the only one who knew about your father as well. God.

In the middle of the night as you were sleeping on your couch peacefully inside your office, too tired to go home, you hear someone call for you. You tiredly got up, annoyed knowing you couldn't ask for anyone to go instead since all the nurses went home including your assistant. The voice was rather familiar, it was Levi. Tsk.

You slam open his door, with your e/c eyes piercing through his head in the darkness of this room. "You have the guts to call me into your room in the middle of the night, Ackerman." You were beginning to sound mad but he just gets up from the bed and sat on the chair.

"The bandage is already wet with my blood, for fuck's sake. It's only been 9 hours!" He exclaimed, making the last few words as highlighted as possible, 'is he mocking me?' You thought, well of course he was.

"It's not my fault you were stupid enough to get an injury that bad, Ackerman." You said colder than the night breeze from outside as you started walking to the other side of the room to light a lamp. Once the room was finally illuminated with light, you got more bandages and a bucket of water, and of course, cloth.

You remove the bandage this stupid man was currently wearing and damped the cloth with water to clean the wound before finally putting a new set of bandages around his stomach. How the fuck did he survive a wound like this one?

"There." You said sharply before getting up from your knees and putting the used materials away. "Can you turn off the fucking light, brat?" He said sharply making you shot a glare in his direction.

"I'm simply a doctor, that's not my problem, Ackerman." He smirks at your response, "oh yeah, is that also why you couldn't save your mom yourself when she was about to die in the hands of a titan?" When he finished that mere sentence, you had flashbacks of that traumatizing moment and you abruptly turned the stupid light off before slamming the door hardly and leaving him alone in the room.

By the time that man leaves— there won't be a door to that fucking room anymore.

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