One persistent noble who never gives up on winning Rachel's heart is Sir Simon Van Leyn, Anne's brother and the heir to the House of Leyn Marquis. Their paths crossed a year ago when Anne introduced Rachel to Simon.

From the moment Simon laid eyes on Rachel, he was astounded by her sweetness and charm. Going above and beyond, he ensured that her business dealings with Anne went smoothly, and ever since then, he has been a devoted presence in her life, following her around like a loyal companion.

To Rachel, Simon is more than just a suitor; he's like a brother and her best friend. His company provides her with a sense of comfort, reminding of her brother from her life in the earth realm.

The Van Leyn family considers Rachel a cherished member, and Marquis Peter Leyn, Anne's father, even contemplates the idea of adopting her to restore her nobility. However, Rachel declines the offer, fearing potential drama, especially from her family in the south. Moreover, she finds the constraints of noble life too confining, preferring to experience temporary freedom and happiness in this world.

As the three of them savored their coffee in the Coffee Bucks Café, Anne brought up the topic of the duke's triumphant return to the southern capital. She mentioned that he would be receiving the highest honor for his crucial role in securing victory in the war. With the west empire now as their ally, the east had been annexed by the west empire.

"Have you heard? His Majesty, the Duke of Astrid, has returned to the southern capital. I'm eager to meet him and express my sincere gratitude for bringing glory to our empire," Anne exclaimed, glancing at Rachel.

"He takes good care of his people. Let's hope the temple could find a companion for His Majesty soon," Simon added, expressing concern about the future of the Northern Kingdom if the Temple failed to find a remedy for the Duke's curse.

[POV IN THE TV SERIES: After winning the war, Sebastian supposedly returned to the north to rule his kingdom, as suggested by the subsequent plot in Season 2, Episode 3 of the show. However, the Duke's curse intensified because he wasn't actively involved in the war and engaging in sexual multiple encounters with various women couldn't alleviate the pain in his blood.]

To prevent himself from going insane and losing control of his ability to destroy the Northern Kingdom, Sebastian found solace in killing and smelling the blood every day. The curse's impact was temporarily mitigated when he traveled to the Arkash forest and slew formidable monsters, expelling the madness in his blood. Killing a formidable monster allowed him to escape the curse for up to a month.

The nobility in both the southern and northern kingdoms became increasingly concerned about the potential consequences if the Duke continued his monster-killing activities, fearing that it might instigate a war against humans.

Later on, it was discovered that Ara possessed the blood of the successor of the Light Goddess Dragon. In a clandestine move, she secretly visited the northern temple and compelled the Pope to test her blood using the Stone of Wisdom.

To address the situation and prevent any war within the empire, an alliance was formed between the temple, the Carlyle royal family, and the Astrid dukedom. They agreed, behind closed doors, that Ara would share her body with Sebastian every week. To maintain discretion and avoid scandal or rebellion against the empire, this arrangement was kept confidential from the noble families.

'Ohohoho! Things are getting spicy in the storyline! Looks like we're heading for a threesome soon. Yayyy! I've been keeping up with it all on TV,' Rachel exclaims, bursting into laughter and playfully covering her mouth with her hands.

The two siblings exchange puzzled glances, trying to comprehend her enthusiasm.

"Rachel is having a self-talk again. I'm sure it is very interesting what's inside that cute head," Simon says, patting her head tenderly.

"Ha ha ha, don't mind me, guys. Continue your conversation."

"Let's hope the temple will find a solution. Without the Duke of Astrid, this empire will be in great danger!" Anne agrees with her brother's concern.

"By the way, Rachel, have you connected with your relatives here? Your relatives inquired my father if your stay here is comfortable." Simon changes the topic and focuses on Rachel.

"Simon, geez! Please don't ask me about my relatives up here in the north. You understand that they view me as the bad guy. I don't want to stir up trouble in our families." In order to avoid answering his intrusive questions, she makes a cute face and pouts her lips.

"I agree with you, Rachel. If indeed they care for your welfare, they should have sent a letter to visit you in your estate," Anne seconds Rachel's statement.

Simon just smiles and nods his head in agreement. He can never win with her arguments. She does this repeatedly, using words with cute expressions and ideas that are uncommon in this empire. To understand her language, they also use her form of expressions.

"By the way, Rachel, His Majesty's castle will host a banquet in the upcoming ten days. I have asked Father to get an invitation for you as a Marquis guest. If the duchy approves, please come with us this time."
Simon gave Rachel a hopeful look, and Anne was overjoyed to see Rachel wearing their most recent gown design. When she looked at Rachel, she nearly made a dreamy eye.

"Well, if His Majesty permits, I will be happy to attend." Sebastian is Rachel's favorite character on the TV series, and she grinned as she expressed her excitement.

It's incredible that she entered the television show and could see the characters moving around.

Everything in this world is tangible and real. By potentially causing offense to the royal families of both the north and the south, Rachel faces the genuine risk of jeopardizing her own life.

Nevertheless, the prospect of encountering the story's final boss, Sebastian Astrid, is a climactic and exhilarating moment for Rachel. It's a fleeting opportunity, just a quick glimpse of the character, and she knows she won't have any more encounters with him.

From the very beginning, Rachel made a promise to herself the moment her soul inhabited the original Rachel's body – she vowed to stay away of becoming entangled with the main characters of this world.

She can't help but imagine the envy her friends back in her home world would feel if they were aware of her extraordinary experiences in this alternate reality.

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