part four: not okay

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Only if you tell me what you were doing in the gym."


I bit my lip, "It's been okay. I haven't exactly made friends or anything but I've managed."

His face dropped, "That's it?"

"You didn't ask for a whole autobiography." I shrugged, "Now, spill. Cause I doubt that you're actually in yearbook taking pictures."

His face slid into a wide smirk, "I think you know exactly what I'm doing with these pictures, babe."

Just then, the bell rang and students flowed out of every classroom and filled the halls. I grimaced at him as I processed what he had just said.

"Ew! You're such a perv!"

"But you like it. I know you do." He winked.

"In your dreams..." I quickly looked him up and down and smirked at his shoes, "Timber."

He looked at his shoes and let out a loud laugh, "Timber? That's what you came up with? You're hilarious, babe, I'll see you in the car."

And with that he turned on his heel and disappeared down the hallway. I let out a huff of frustration, running a hand through my hair.

How the hell was I supposed to live here in Colorado if I had to deal with that?

Soon we were back at home and Jackie and I had cast ourselves away into our room to begin unpacking. Well, mostly me, Jackie just sat reading Lord of the Rings with her earphones in.

I unpacked slowly, allowing myself to reminisce on each object I pulled out. It was hard, having to pack away my whole life and move it all into this one room with my sister.

When I found my collection of bookmarks, I felt myself holding in tears. Lucy and I used to always collect bookmarks at every bookstore we went to. Her and Jackie had their teacups but this was our thing.

Lucy was always willing to take me to Barnes and Noble or to a new bookstore that opened downtown. We would see even the ugliest bookmarks and would instantly purchase them, even when the cashier would give us a funny look.

I wiped my eye, reaching into the top shelf of the closet and tucking it away safely.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and I peeked my head out of the closet to look at Jackie. I frowned, however, when I saw that she had her nose still buried in her book and was slowly nodding her head to whatever she listened to.

I dusted myself off and went to the door to open it up. When I did, I was met with a camera right in my face.

"Y/n! Y/n, do you have a second? I need to ask, does girls' pubic hair grow the same color as the hair on their head?" Jordan asked, trying to push his way inside the room.

"Get the hell out, you little creep." I shoved his head back. I then heard a snicker come from behind him, making me look up and see Lee and Isaac around the corner.

"Boys, you better not be annoying the girls!" I heard Katherine yell distantly from somewhere in the house. The boys all let out loud laughs and Lee stood up straighter.

"Relax, Jordan, I think you've got enough footage for today." he said, and Jordan instantly turned on his heel and ran off. The two twins still stayed however, looking at me.

"What?" I snapped at them. The boys shared a look, both trying to suppress smiles.

"Aunt Kathy just wanted to let you guys know that dinner's ready." Isaac said.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now