Obama finds Sangwoo

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Hey guys, I'm finally back. I'm sorry that I took so long. my parents died in a car crash and my sister was murdered, but I am finally back and ready to write more chapters. 😇🙏

as Obama drives off with the driver, he cries because he just wants to see Sangwoo. as the man is driving he sees a rabbit crossing the street but  he doesn't stop though, and he accidentally runs over it. Obama is very mad because he is known to be an animal lover and he gets out of the car because he is infuriated and doesn't want to associate himself with someone who killed a rabbit. The man asks, " why are you getting out I'm helping you find your man" Obama doesn't answer him because he is mad. Obama gets out of the car and runs away. He now knows that he has to hitchhike another ride. Finally a car pulls up to him. Obama sees this and he gets in. Obama explains to the driver that he is trying to find sangwoo because he is his love of his life. The driver is actually homophobic so she pushes him out of the car after she realizes that he's in love with a man. after that, Obama is done and doesn't know if he will ever find his one true love. after that he sees a car with a pride flag attached to it. He is very happy because he knows the person in the car supports gay people. He yells at them to let him in the car so he can drive to find sangwoo. the man hears him and listens to the story of how he lost his hubby. the man lets him get in the car with him and now, Obama is sure that he will find sangwoo. the man asks " if he really loved you why would he kill you?" as Obama told this man the whole story. Obama doesn't know how to reply to that because he doesn't know either all he knows that he loves sangwoo even if he did kill him and he knows that he changed his mind about what he did. He knows that if sangwoo  knew he was alive, he would want him again as he just made a little mistake. the man in the car keeps driving while Obama thinks about life. finally after driving for 10 hours Obama finally spots sangwoo walking on the side of the street. he is very unsure
of how he got this far in a short amount of time, but he yells out the window. Suddenly, the car crashes into a house and sangwoo sees this horrific moment. Obama blacks out, and it brought to the hospital. 

What will sangwoo do next time? find out in the next chapter.

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