How it all happened

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Boom: D-dont worry about it I knew it was an accident as well..

They both looked in the opposite direction and were Blushing..

JD: What are you guys doing?

Floyd and Boom saw JD staring at them with a confused look

Floyd: O-oh, hey John Dory we were just skating and crashed into each other..

JD: Oh really... It looked like you two were about to kiss or something..

JD smirked at them and the two turned Red (Floyd cooled down a bit when he saw JD earlier)

Floyd: JOHN!!!

JD: What? I'm telling the truth

Boom: It's ok Floyd, I should have taught you how to stop.. I'm gonna head out and grab a drink..

Floyd: Oh alright...

Boom smiled at him and went out the ring, Floyd watched Boom as he left and JD was smirking at him. Floyd looked at JD

Floyd: What?

JD: You like him~~

Floyd: I-I DO NOT!!

JD: Don't worry little bro.. Big bro's got your back..

Floyd: What are you talking about?

JD: I'm talking about you and Boom! I can help you ask him out.

Floyd: What!? We just accidentally bumped into each other and fell!!

JD: Yeah... But I saw the way you looked at each other..

Floyd: Ok.. Just because I fell on top of him doesn't mean I like him... Then again he did feel warm when we fell and he looked hot up close and well....

Floyd stopped talking and looked at his Brother and saw he had a grin on his face

JD: You were saying?

Floyd thought about what he said and Blushed

Floyd: I-I mean... Uhh, YOU HEARD NOTHING JOHN DORY!! You better tell anyone about what I said!!

JD: Ok *sarcastic ok*

Brozone saw JD and Floyd talking about something, so they went over

Viva: Hey guys, what's going on?

JD turned around to see The gang looking confused, JD looked at Floyd and smirked

Floyd:*whispers* don't you dare John Dory...

JD: Don't worry guys we were just talking about how to stop when Roller Skating..

Poppy: Oh.. Ok then, we can help if you like

Floyd looks at JD and turns his head saying No

JD: Sure Why not?

*Floyd facepalms*

Floyd: I am so going to kill you John Dory

Branch: Why would you want to kill him?

Floyd mind: Shoot!!

Floyd: Oh nothing.. He brought something up that pissed me...

Bruce: Eh.. Don't worry about that Little Bro.

Clay: Yeah, everyone knows how much of a Headache JD is.


Bruce: Pfft.. Whatever you say John

*Everyone laughed*

Floyd: Hold on.. Where did your band go Branch?

Branch: Oh, they saw Boom leaving the ring so they decided to check up on him..

Floyd: Oh alright then..

Poppy: Geez you guys talk too much, now let's go and have fun!!!

Everyone cheered as they guided Floyd around the ring..
||•Meanwhile with NSYNC•||

The guys have been looking for Boom for almost an hour.

Trickee: Ugh, where could he be we've checked the whole Island!!

Hype: Calm down Trickee, I'm sure he's around here somewhere

They checked their surroundings to see if they had any luck.


Boom was getting a drink to cool himself down after the incident he had with Floyd, he couldn't stop thinking about it and couldn't stop blushing.

Boom: Ugh.. Why can't I stop thinking about him!!

Ablaze: Thinking about who?

Boom suddenly jumped in shock and spilled his drink on the floor.

Ablaze: Oops! Sorry man I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that..

Boom: Don't worry Blaze it cool..

Hype: Where were you Boom? We've been looking for you for almost an hour..

Trickee: Ye, I was thinking of punching you if we couldn't find you in the next 30 minutes.

Boom: Haha very funny..

Trickee: Yup, but seriously it's not like you to go somewhere alone without telling us...

Boom: Oh sorry I was just trying to get my mind of something..

*Ablaze smirked*

Ablaze: Something or Someone..

Boom looked at Ablaze blushing red.

Ablaze: *Gasp* you are thinking of someone!!!

NSYNC: Oooohh *teasingly*

Boom: Just shut up guys...

Hype: Who's the lucky guy?

Boom: I don't like anyone, I was just getting my mind of an incident I had with one Branch's brothers..

Hype: You mean Floyd?

Boom: Yeah

Trickee: Really.. What happened?

Boom: Nothing.. I was just teaching him how to skate and forgot to tell him how to stop, then we crashed into each other and well-

Ablaze: You kissed him?

Boom then Froze and his heart started beating fast while he was blushing (Again)..

*The Boys Gasped*

Ablaze: YOU DID, DIDN'T YOU!!!??

Boom: N-no we didn't! But we almost did...

Trickee: Wow Boom, you got guts..

Hype: Oh my god, does Branch know you like him?


Ablaze: You said that while blushing Boom.. That's a sign that you do.!

Boom: Uh..I-umm.. OK FINE I DO LIKE HIM!! But forget about it he probably doesn't feel the same..

Ablaze: Don't worry Bro. We'll help you ask him out

Boom: Really?

Hype: Yeah!! What are friends/band mates for?

Trickee: Can't say no to that Boom..

Boom thought about it and decided to give it a try

Boom: Alright fine

Trickee: Don't worry Boom, Floyd will be yours in no time.

((To be continued))

Sorry that took so long to read
Word count: 1471 T-T
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!

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