Chapter 6

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Daniwell reveals he is actually an Olympic swimmer and swims 33 laps without fail. Kumori says ''weird flex but okay'' and floats around with Chukny who almost drowned. Salo hates swimming so she's spraying everyone with a water gun because its funny. She accidentally assaults Eru and Eru is mad so she scratches Salo. Antcruz gets out of the fridge and jumps into the water with clothes on. Kumori gets knocked off her float but then Daniwell saves her because he kind of has to. Kumori embraces the moment Daniwell is holding her and doesnt let go of him. Salo is still spraying Eru with water guns and they are epically fighting. Antcruz is laughing at the event. Antcruz gets sunburnt. Eru eats the sunscreen bottle but nobody cares.

Daniwell swims 2837 more laps of the pool and Chukny drowns itself because it's been feeling very depression lately. Kumori goes to get ice cream because its hot and orders ranch flavour for everyone. Salo gets tired of swimming so she decides to die in a hot tub. Antcruz is splashing Daniwell and Daniwell tells him that he's a psychopath but Antcruz doesn't care. The ranch flavoured ice cream turned out to be ranch in a cone. Antcruz says he cannot stop laughing. Everyone is scared.

Daniwell has checked everyone out of the hotel and has nowhere else to put them so he takes them back home with him in his luggages. He booked a flight home to Japan and everyone is excited because the place is cool. Daniwell boards the Ranch Airlines flight and everyone takes a seat. Salo is playing the dumb airplane games on the screen in the seat and Kumori is bopping to Daniwell. Daniwell drinks coffee and Eru is being Eru. Kumori looks out the window and sees a waffle house so she screams at the top of her lungs but no one cares. Daniwell almost spills his coffee but Kumori stops it before it spills but then Eru came in and almost spilled it herself. Then Daniwell decides to put Eru in the suitcase. Salo starts playing the best game on the screen called Bubble Guppies - The Prodigy. It was so beautiful and hot.

Then, Kumo was looking out the window, it opened and she barely was holding on to the edge. Daniwell is busy on his Chromebook so Antcruz pulls her back in but the the air hostess got very angry at him for standing up in the walkways. Antcruz doesn't care and decides to assert his dominance over her by standing on top of Kumori's chair. The air hostess got even more mad doesn't give Antcruz the free flight peanuts. Salo is sad about how she didn't get flight peanuts but decides to eat a tomato instead.

Kumori asked Daniwell if he wanted to go skydiving and Daniwell said maybe. Kumori took Daniwell's chromebook and saw what he was looking at and he was at She asked him why and he tells her that it was for scientific purposes. Kumori eats a blue tomato and gets tired so she leans on daniwell and falls asleep again. Daniwell gets the chromebook back and looked up how to get a girl to get off of you and he just found a ton of weird results so he closed the chromebook and started at the ceiling for the next 10 minutes.

That is the end. Thank you for reading.

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