The Fall

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Books are on the table; eyes are on the hall,
Watching people who passed by, focusing on their way,
Leaves are on the ground during the season of fall,
He suddenly appeared from the outside, causing me to stare

Pretended to read a book the moment he looked back,
With the help of peripheral vision, I can see his gaze,
Pulse skipped, almost got a heart attack,
Stunned in a few moments, still in a daze

Similar scenario happens in the next few days,
But today is different since he was able to call me by my name,
Got mad at myself 'cause I can’t think of a word to say,
It would be better to dare for the next time so two of us can do the same

Autumn tend to reminds me the first time I fell,
For someone who’s damn handsome as ever,
How I wish I had the chance to admit and tell,
What’s inside of me before he left after winter


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