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The mirror in the bathroom is shattered.

"Seven years of bad luck" Harry mutters to himself as he stands hunched over the dingy porcelain sink, cool water clinging to his lashes.

Misty green eyes dart to the distorted image that seems to be a reflection of his face. Harry knows he should be studying for his math test, but he also knows that performing at this bar will tonight will pay his half of the rent.

He'd considered asking his roommate/ band member/ best mate, Zayn to cover for him this month. This is when he remembers that Zayn is nearly as poor as he is.

A fist pounds hard against the ragged wooden door. Seconds later it's pushed open, revealing Zayn. "We're on in five H"

"Yeah" Harry nods. A small cleft forms between Zayn's brows. He's known Harry long enough to know that he's in a mood.

Zayn walks into the bathroom closing the door behind him. "Whats up?" He questions, folding his arms across his chest.

"It's nothing" Harry mutters, trying his hardest to send his best mate a genuine smile. Zayn sees right through it. He
Gives Harry 'the look' and Harry knows he has no choice, other than spilling what's on his mind. So he does.

"It's just that we've been doing this for almost a year now and we're still not relevant" Harry voices. "What if we don't make it, what if we're still doing this when we're thirty" he runs a tired hand over his face, as he waits for Zayn to speak.

Zayn scoffs. "Harry, I'm not sure if you know this, but we're fucking incredible"
"Any label would be out of their minds not to sign us" Zayn smiles

Zayn knows they have a couple hundred thousand views on YouTube. Zayn also knows that they've built a a small but consistent fan base for themselves. He knows that it's more than enough to get them started. Zayn is 407% sure that they'll make it, so he tells Harry.

Zayn sees the smile pulling relentlessly at Harry's lips and knows he's successfully fulfilled his best friend duties.

Harry stretches his arms, reaching for his best friend. They collide in a brotherly embrace, and Harry remembers why Zayn is his best friend.

"After all" Zayn chuckles "you have to walk before you run". Harry pushes him away with an amused grin claiming that ' he's heard enough philosophical bullshit for the day'.

"Let's go give them a sick show" Zayn smiles.
"Aria Benson" Louis shouts obnoxiously. She pushes her glasses up, ignoring her flamboyant best friend. she knows what Louis is up to and she promises herself that she won't give in to one of his ridiculous plans again

She continues to type her essay for physics, unperturbed by her best friend's exuberant attitude.

Aria knows that she's not as big of a nerd as Louis makes her out to be. She just prefers the feeling of studying and acing an important test, rather than partying and waking with an agonizing hangover. It's a formula that's always worked in her favor, so she'd never really been given a reason to stray from it.

"We're going out tonight" Louis declares, slamming her laptop shut. "You'd better hope that my essay is saved for your sake"Aria hisses. Louis rolls his eyes disregarding her threat.

"Aria, we haven't been out in weeks" Louis reasons. "You've haven't come out of your room in three days, due to your obsessive studying routine" he chuckles, pushing the hair out of his eyes.

Aria can't deny that all Louis' points are valid, but she doesn't have time. she's pretty sure she has a math test tomorrow and 4 papers due later in the week.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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