"Ok, Rafe. I just told you something that I have never told anyone, not even fucking Ash and I tell her everything! And you just walk out on me like that?? I mean yeah, I know we don't know eachother that well but I was really beginning to trust you and i-" I start but am stopped by the feeling of Rafe's hand brushing my cheek.
"Lia, I wasn't trying to walk out on you. I just couldn't hear anymore. He took advantage of you twice, I can't just sit there and listen. He's a fucking dead man. He's never going to touch you again." He spews.

My jaw drops open as I look at him. "Where are you going?" I question and he finally looks at me. "To Barry's." He replies before putting the car in drive and speeding off.
I stand there in shock, not sure what to make out of what just happened.
"Al's?" I recognize Toppers voice coming from behind me and I turn to face him. "Heyyy Top." I say as I plaster a smile on my face. Sarah walks out behind me and gives me a hug. "Are you ok?" She asks as she touches my forehead.

"I'm fine...why?" I ask suspiciously as I look at her. "Rafe was just really worried last night, I was too to be honest. You were really fucked up." She replies as she leans her head on Toppers shoulder. Topper raises an eyebrow at me, "Fucked up, how?" He asks and I gulp as I look at him. "Drunk." I deadpan.
"Girl you were flying off the walls last night, it took us 4 hours to get you to bed." She laughs and Topper gives me an even bigger eyebrow raise. "You know me, once I get alcohol in my system you can't get me to settle down." I laugh awkwardly.

Topper gives me another look. "Yes you can."
I almost wanna kick him to get him to shut up but knowing Topper he won't. He was the first one who knew about my addiction and he was also the first one who ever lectured me about it.
Topper and I both glare at each other before Sarah clears her throat to break the silence. "Everything okay?" She asks and Topper keeps his eyes on me. "Yeah, I just need to talk to Ali alone for a minute." He says and she gives us both an odd look before heading back towards her house.

"Ali." He sighs as he looks at me. "I was just crossed Top." I sigh. When he gives me another look I adjust my answer. "With weed." I insist.
"Al's, if you're using again you know you can tell me." He vowed and I shake my head. "I'm not."
He narrows his eyes at me and then looks back towards the house. "You hanging around Rafe all the time, I mean Sarah told me this is the second time you've slept over. I know he's my friend and shit but he's the biggest cocaine addict I know. You hanging around another addict isn't going to be the best for you."

"I hung out with other addicts for months and I turned out fine." I huff and he purses his lips. "Ali. You were in rehab. 'Hanging' out with other addicts who are in recovery is completely different than hanging out with addicts who don't want to quit. And Rafe, he definitely doesn't want to quit. Why are you hanging around him anyways? You hate him." Topper points out.

I scratch the back of my head as I let out a low whistle. "I've never said that I hated him." I scoff and He laughs as he shakes his head. "Yes you have. Multiple times actually." He taps his finger to his chin. "He's not so bad." I shrug.
"Yes he is." Topper insists and I look away from him. "Top, I don't need you telling me who to hangout with." I cross my arms as I turn my attention back to him.

He starts blabbing about something, but I wasn't paying attention to him. Even if I wanted to pay attention I couldn't because Rafe had pulled back into the driveway and stormed past us into his house. Topper didn't seem to notice though because he was still going on his rant about how Rafe is a bad person and blah blah blah. "Sounds good." I say with a distracted smile.
"So you'll do it?" He asks, looking at me desperately. I look at him for a split second. "Yep!" I pat him on the shoulder and rush back towards the house. Not sure what I just agreed to but i'll worry about it later.

I push open the large doors and walk inside of the Cameron residence. I could hear Rose's high pitched excuse for a laugh ringing down the hallway as I headed up the stairs. I knock on Rafe's bedroom door and get a grunt in response. I slowly push open the door and find Rafe pacing around his room. He looked stressed so I slowly turned around and began to tiptoe out of the room. "Where do you think you're going Knight?" He calls out after me and I turn back around. "You looked like you needed some space." I shrugged as I walked further into the room.

"I don't need space, I need to get the hell out of here, quickly." He responds, still pacing. "Rafe, what the fuck happened?" I ask as I look at him.
He stops pacing and sits down on his bed. He runs his hands through his hair and lets out a deep breath. I look at his hands and immediately had to do a double take. His hands were streaked with red. "Is that blood?" I sit down next to him and he looks up towards me. His eyes were on me but I could tell his mind was somewhere else. "Barry's dead."

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