Dawko lore insert AU

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Gore/horror warning!


Lewis Dawkins worked at Freddy Fazbears after reuniting with his old friend William Afton. He was hired as a cashier at the prize corner, and his favorite customer was Susie because of how kind she was. Usually there would be snobby or bratty kids but Susie was the kindest.

One day she ran crying to Lewis because her dog died. He comforted her the best he could. He told her to stay put near the prize corner while he went to find her parents.

It was then that lewis saw a person in a yellow bunny suit leading Susie to a backroom. He shuddered, but because of how much he cared about her safety, he ran to save her.

But when he opened the door to the backroom he was too late. Susie looked at Lewis but before she could say anything she died. Lewis started screaming as he went into fight or flight mode. He started attacking the person in the suit but the person got the upper hand and knocked him out cold.

Lewis wakes up in cold sweat as he sees saws coming at him slowly. He struggled and screamed for help, but as he was about to die, the person took off the suit's mask. Lewis only saw their eye color before he died.

In this AU, I see him becoming the puppet. He takes care of the ones who died to William, and sees Susie as a younger sister.

End of au Hc's.

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