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As I rushed down I noticed the guys seemingly approaching something or someone, I had a big glance and it appeared to be a little girl.

Why is a little kid all by herself? I couldn't help but think how strange it was but had to hurry over to eun-yu.

I dropped over to her side and placed my hands on her waist and back in a panic, "Are you alright?" I asked her as she used me as an object to lift herself up.

I heard faint gunshots alarming up from the situation as her head seemed to be foggy, "I shouldn't have let you come, I'm sorry." She stated as I shook my head.

"No worries about it, I'm having fun." I said sarcastically but also glad I'm a bit busy today. We both decided to walk around the dead abandoned place,it seemed new for both of us and we were not familiar with this place.

As we were walking we seemed to hear loud deep growling noises, not just one but multiple. "Hey..." I heard her mutter beside me quietly as she grabbed my wrist as we both noticed the appearance of the monsters.

The monsters reminded me of the monster we came across from the apartments, though these had seemed to be a bit more dangerous. They seemed to be black stone all over them or perhaps made like that.

I wonder what their story was...to turn into one of those.

She pushed me away from her and shouted at me, "Run!" She shouted as she pushed me one last time as she grabbed a back of sand and ripped it open with her knife throwing it everywhere making the place become more hard to see than ever.

The lights that flickered were bad as well, so I decided to grab my gun from my pocket that I had kept the day from the bus till now.

I tried shooting at the monsters made out of stones but that had seemed to be a bad idea, I ran up the stairs as I continued but the bullets weren't doing any good.

Eun-yu ran up to my side pulling my gun down as we both continued running but a few monsters started clinging and jumping onto the stairs shaking them and making a riot.

The stairs couldn't balance because of the weight, I looked up to see a monster above Eun-Yu as she was struggling to fit out of its grip.

I grabbed the folded chair that had seemed to be beside the stairs and hit the monster with it as she slid under and ran downstairs as I followed.

"I found a way out." She managed to say as we both sprinted down the stairs as monsters followed our trail, I noticed our way was a huge noticeable door with the slightest light appearing out.

A monster seemed to knock my over bit eun-yu was there in time to catch me in her arms. Without hesitation we made it out through the door and she made sure to shut it over making a loud creak and bang.

I dropped to the floor as I rested my back onto the wall as I watched eun-yu step away, I heard a small whimper come from her.

I looked down to see what to do in this situation. "Do you know about the way back?" She asked me without facing me as I struggled with the answer, well not necessarily...I mean I could try to find it for sure.

"Yeah! I went there before, though it wasn't overrun before." I told a realistic lie to keep her from worrying and it seemed like she wanted to be alone, seeming how her voice was breaking to bits as she spoke a word to me.

I heard her from afar as I'm sure she wanted to say something else but I stopped her, I pulled my back away from the wall I was leaning from and stood up onto my feet.

I looked down to my wound that Chan-Young had cleaned up and bandaged and it seemed to be a mess. Blood seemed to be finding its way out of the bandage.

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