"We usually put the dough in the mixing machines," Y/n said as she pointed at the appliance next to him.

"And you waited all this time to tell me?" he asked looking at her in disbelief. Y/n gave him a smirk waiting for him to become irritated, but to her surprise, he chuckled. She had never seen Bernard smile, Y/n couldn't help but blush. Once Bernard caught her glancing at him the two immediately looked away out of shyness.

"Y/n," Bernard started as he turned around to look at her, "about before with the door and everything? I just wanted to say I'm sorry-"

"Bernard," they heard a voice call out to them, Bernard spun his head around to see a smiling Curtis. "Look at you guys working as a team," he announced making Y/n and Bernard completely embarrassed.

"Curtis, don't you have somewhere you need to be?" Bernard asked trying his best to get rid of his younger associate.

"Yes actually," the shorter elf spoke as he took out his clipboard, "I'll let you two love doves be," he whispered to Bernard as he checked his list around the kitchen.

'I'm going to kill him,' Bernard thought to himself as watched his coworker walk away.

"You were saying?" Y/n asked as she took the dough out of the mixer, "You were about to say something before?"

Bernard recollected his apology from early and thought it would be better to forget about it. "I can't remember," he lied shaking off the conversation. "So what's next on the agenda?" he asked getting close to reading the open book. He hadn't noticed how close he was to Y/n. Y/n looked back at him in a slight affection causing him to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Um," she said regaining her train of thought. "Decorating the cookies by hand," she read as she closed the book. Soon the two got to work frosting the cookies and occasionally looking at each other. It was nice to be in his company, Y/n soon found herself enjoying being next to Bernard. She thought he was cute and liked seeing him work.

'Maybe he's not so bad after all,' Y/n thought to herself as she continued to frost her cookies. 'I mean sure he can be rude, and selfish, but he can be sweet at times-'

"You two look cozy," Judy said as she approached the couple, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

"I wouldn't say cozy," Y/n said shyly as she looked back at Bernard, "more like-"

"Productive," he said finishing off her train of thought.

"Ya," Y/n agreed sheepishly, "productive."

"Aw you guys even finish each other's sentences," Judy said clasping her hands, "how adorable."

Y/n's face turned completely red, she understood exactly what Judy was doing; she was trying to make a match out of Y/n and Bernard.

"Bernard," Judy asked with a smirk, "don't you think Y/n looks cute with her curly hair in a ponytail-"

"Hey Judy!" Y/n said cutting her off, "Can I talk to you for a second?!" She said bashfully as she looked back at Bernard, "we'll be right back!" And with that, Y/n grabbed Judy and walked away from the elf who she was starting to develop a little crush on. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked as she looked at her friend.

"Oh come on Y/n, you guys are flirting with each other," she announced with a giggle. "It's too cute."

"This is Bernard we're talking about," Y/n said putting her hands on her hips.

"Exactly, he doesn't just help anyone so this says a lot of how he feels about you," Judy explained. "

"I don't see it that way," Y/n said looking back at the cute curly-haired boy, "he rude and obnoxious-"

Bernard x Reader- The Agenda SituationМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя