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"my heart is thrilled by the still of your hand"
- no plan by hozier -


The diner was quiet and had a permanent smell of coffee lingering throughout the room. Reagan was peacefully scrolling through the news and enjoying her break.

a ring from the bell connected to the door rung throughout the room signaling someone entered in the building, reagan tilted her head up peeking at who it is, she's always been a tad nosey that way. Although it was no one she recognized, she saw a woman with her daughter coming in for lunch, or so she assumed. She thought about her mother, how she never got to experience something as simple as going out for lunch with her. She wondered where her mother went and why she left her behind.

When the clock read 12:55 Reagan took that as her sign to start heading back to work. She took her usual path, this time not seeing the blue box like she did on her way there.

"what the hell..." Reagan muttered

It must be hard to move that box, if it was solid wood it must've been real heavy. Reagan thought of the logistics, she thought about where it had gone and who took it.

She continued walking trying to shake away the weird feeling she felt. Something about that box had caught her attention and won't let it go. Before she could even get ten feet away from where the police box once stood she looked back at the spot, in this moment of blindness she suddenly collided with something hard infront of her she snapped her head forward, when she saw what she jumped into something felt different.

She stared dumbfoundedly at the tall man she crashed into seconds prior, something felt oddly familiar about him. Something she could put her finger on. Once she snapped out of it she realized how weird she must look just staring at him silently.

"I'm s-so sorry that's my bad i should've been paying attention" the words scrambled out of her mouth as she looked up at the man she crashed into. There was no denying the man wasn't handsome she thought, he was tall, skinny, and had nice hair, how could he get any better looking?

"no need to apologize, i was distracted as well!" the man reassured her while throwing his hand into the air and placing it behind his neck, reagan noticed his funny manuerisims, he seemed silly and not very put together in the moment.

She laughed it off then noticing his eyes flickering behind her, right onto the same spot where that raggedy old box was supposed to be.

"Oh come on!" the man whined, approaching the empty spot

"is something wrong?" reagan questioned wondering if he knew about the box aswell

"i knew something felt off" he stared at the spot for a good 5 seconds, suddenly snapping his head towards reagan

"you didn't happen to see a police box here did you" he pointed to the ground the police box once stood in, knowing it was a stretch of a question.

"w-well i mean" she stuttered "i saw it there maybe thirty minutes ago, no more then that. Why what happened to it?"

"self defense system, the tardis ran away because it felt something was wrong." he groaned talking faster then average, he flicked his head feeling stupid, something the man didn't like to feel that way.

"it was a police box not a squirrel, it couldn't of just ran away." The girl nervously chuckled, the man stared dumbfoundedly at her then realizing his mistakes of telling someone who isn't aware of what kind of man he is things they won't understand.

"right..." he stared blankly

"well i should go, i have to get back to work." she smiled at him "see you around mate."

But he didn't respond, he just stared at her back as she walked away, he felt blind. What could be so wrong that the tardis ran away, and how did she notice the tardis? No human notices a tardis unless they're looking for it, or if the tardis wants them see itself...

who is she?

ok we met him... how do we feel? trust more will happen in the future, i have some pretty cool plans in mind for the plot. ;)

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