Brown and Son playing

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A cameraman with a bright red len, with the head of a dead TV wrapped around a chain in it's arm, wearing a dark coat and black pants, is standing in front of you.

"You see that?" He points to a spot, quite far from where you are. You can faintly see porn of Skibidi Toilet there "That feels like S I N" He says as he gets closer to you. Suddenly backing away "And you know what we do with sin here?" He then turns around to the top of a broken building "SHOW THEN WHAT WE DO WITH SIN HERE!"

You look to the top of the building. There you can see another cameraman, this one wearing a brown coat with yellow and purple tie, cyan shirt underneath and dark brown pants. You can see that in his arms he has a batterie charge icon that is glowing neon blue.

"I WILL HAVE ORDER!" He screams, putting his hands up and bringing it down. From the sky, you see a giant meteor approaching the location with porn.

A giant explosion engulfs the place. Destroying anything near it. Lucky for you Son was fast enough to teleport you and Brown out of there. In the distance, you see the destruction caused by the rock.

"YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING DID IT. HOLY FUCK!" He says between breaths.

"What?" Brown restorts, confused.

"I WAS FUCKING JOKING MAN!" Son said in a panicked state.


Brown and Son playingWhere stories live. Discover now