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[At School]

Zee , Net and Max were in the staffroom . Net was drinking coffee while Zee was drinking water and Max was cracking a joke.

(Explanation: These three are Kim's friend and They are also teachers)

Zee spit his coffee and Net choked on his water and the three of them started to laugh loudly.

Zee : Stop it dude my stomach is hurt

Net : Yeah , that was a funny one

Kim entered into the staffroom

Kim : Yah, What's going on? Why are you two laughing like a pig?

Net : Why you always insult us?

Kim : it's my style

Zee : Actually we were laughing at his joke

Max also told him joke

Kim stayed silent

Kim : It was not that funny

Net : Come on dude you never smile and you won't believe me that I've never seen you laughing

Kim : Because I never do . And bye see you guys later

He waved his hand and left from there

Net : What's wrong with him?

Max : Don't you know that Kim never laugh neither smile

Net : Why is he like this? And Zee you are his best friend you should know.

Zee : I am his best friend but I myself don't know

Meanwhile Kim was in his car trying to start it .

Kim : Uhh, Why is engine not starting again?

He said annoyingly

Meanwhile Porschay was in the ground where Kim's car was parked. He didn't know that Kim was inside the car . He was licking icecream and hopping in the ground.

Porschay: Mr Kim's Car?

He came closer and he looked himself in the car window. Porschay touched his car .

Porschay: What a beautiful car! I also want a car like this. If Mr Kim was here he won't let me touch his car but , today he was looking so handsome.

Kim inside the car

Kim : So thinks that I am handsome.

Porschay: I think I should go now

He was about to go but Kim rolled down the car window and held his wrist.

Porschay : Mr Kim you were inside the car?!

Kim : Yes I was and thanks for completing me .

Porschay: I think I should go now

Kim looked at chay . There was chocolate around his mouth and Kim laughed loudly.

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