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Lighten my world for me my dear.

𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .

"For people that look like thugs you're pretty mad about my profanity, what's your guy's names?"

"Uh well you see this isn't exactly a band classroom?"

"You mean I interrupted a gang affiliation?"

Some other guy smacked the guy that spoke to me in the face which was honestly funny but idk why, I hope they're not gonna skin me alive for interrupting something but I must say they are pretty calm for delinquents.

'Must be because they are so high and mighty that nothing fazes them.'
My finger was on my chin when one of the guys stood up and waved his hand in front of my face which instantly snapped me out of thought.

"What do you want?"

"So what my friend here said was that it's not a band class but he forgot to mention yet."

"Ah, so how come I got in?"

"The staff here got to lazy to make an actual band class and all of us are about the first people that joined but thank goodness you're here, we need some help turning it into a band class."

"Criminals trying to turn an empty room into a band class? I must be smoking something."

"Girl we are not delinquents."

"I see.. well I'm sorry and I will help you!"

"There ya go! Great attitude I'm loving it!"

"Ah I forgot! What are your names?"








"All are first name bases?"

"Yeah we don't mind if someone calls us by our first names, we're just used to it."

"Ah I see, me too! Call me Y/n!"

"Okay then Y/nnn, let's get to work."

We all started cleaning up the classroom and placed chairs and stands in a neat order.

"Jeez it's like slave workkk."

"Oh shut up Asuka, you're always complaining about shit."

"Like what?!"

"Cramps and your period."


"Okay jeez I'm sorry but you needa stop yapping."

"Idk why I'm related to you Akio."

"Get back to work you bothersomes!"

"Sorry Yoshida/Yoshida-San."

'Asuka's not wrong about cramps hurting but I guess I didn't notice her before.'
I grabbed the chalk and started writing shit on the board for band.

Finished! Let's see how the others are holding up, I turned around to see the place nicely made and was confused on where the lockers came from.

"Where the hell and how the hell did you get the lockers on here so fast?"

"The lockers been behind the school for a while now, when we had summer school all of us cleaned up the lockers and prepared them."

"Ohhh, anywho the place looks great!"

"It really does! Welp break time alas!"
Asuka sat down on a couch on the side of the room and started talking about how we should preform in busy streets and get gigs to make money for instruments.

"Asuka how are we supposed to preform when all of us don't even have instruments?"

"Oh! Right.."
She frowned and started coming up with other ideas.

I raised my hand for some reason and mentioned that I have an instrument.
"I have an electric guitar at home."

"Great so Y/n can preform for a while until we get enough money for all of us to get instruments and maybe extras!"

"Good idea Akio!"

"It wasn't that great, it was basic knowledge."

"Oh like you're the genius here Ben?"



"You guys keep on babbling when it's break time."

"Tadashi it's called break time for a reason.."

"No dumbass it's called break time for people to rest."

"Keichii bro, you're always d-riding Tadashi stop talking."

"Bro shut up."

They all apologized to Yoshida and I fell on the couch with my head on Asuka's lap, she didn't mind it and started stroking my hair.

I was falling asleep to the sound of them conversing over civil shit, I love it when I hear sounds familiar to me because they make me fall asleep better.

'So comforting.'
I dozed off and about minutes later Asuka woke me up to tell me that the bell was about to ring.

I was about to pack up when someone grabbed my shoulders pulling me into a hug with them.
"N/nnie-Chan wanna walk together?"

"Ah Asuka-Chan! Sure, do we have the same last class together?"

"Oh I have English, Kirimi Sensei! How about you N/nnie-Chan?"

"Kotobuki Sensei, also English."

"So we don't have the same class but we are in the same hallway.. That's fine! Cmon let's go!"

The bell rang and it was now passing period, Asuka talked about how we should hangout sometime and the perfect places for our hangout, I smiled and slightly tilted my head at her cheerful manner.

Asuka's POV

I was casually talking to N/nnie about places we could definitely hang out when she smile and tilted her head, that shit had me in a chokehold oh my lord. If I have never gotten a crush before I definitely have now, even when I first saw her I knew she was special, she had humor and joked around a lot, she was overall a very calm person and she was so funny!

N/nnie is the nicest person I've ever met she reminds me of... well never mind that but she's so prettyyyy but I guess our walk together is over since we reached our classes, I said bye to her to which she returned with a close-eyed smile, OH MY GODDDDD. I clutched my heart when I entered the classroom and I collapsed as soon as I stepped in.

"Uhm are you okay?"
I saw another girl sweating as she held her hand out.

"It was nothing just me falling in love."

"Soooo that's what falling in love looks like."

"You don't know what it looks like?"

"No I'm asexual!"

"Cool I'm lesbian!"
I shook hand with her and decided to sit together.

Y/n's POV

I noticed that Asuka was already making friends when I entered the class which made me smile, someone as cheerful as her deserves the world she reminds me of Kohime but as an extrovert.

I turned around and was met with a hand on my sternum.
"Who was that?"

"Ohh crap."


1079 words.

Song of the day: Break from Toronto - PARTYNEXTDOOR.

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