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☆ 141. Chapter 141: The Target of the Whole Village's Accusations

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Chapter 141 When the group of people

from the village walked to the village committee, they saw the village party secretary, Chen Chunya, and Liu Yuhong all sitting in the dam.

Chen Ergen knew that the matter was exposed when he saw the two of them, and looked at Liu Yuhong viciously.

Liu Yuhong shook and twisted her head to the other side.

Chen Chunya didn't dare to look at them.

Chen Dazhuang saw his daughter-in-law there and gave his daughter-in-law a look.

Chen Chunya's mother hurriedly pulled her daughter behind her, and asked in a low voice, "You put it?" "

Hmm. Chen Chunya replied angrily.

"You. Her mother nodded Chen Chunya's forehead and sighed helplessly.

Chunya has been good with Yanzi since she was a child, and the two are like biological sisters, and she always can't bear to see her cousin suffering.

The village chief sat down on the bench and said to them sharply: "Honestly explain Chen Yan's affairs one by one, Chen Erzhuang, you come first." "

Village chief, I feel uncomfortable, blame me for being too cowardly, pity my swallow, as her father, I can't make decisions about the marriage of my children. Chen Erzhuang said to the village chief with a bitter face.

The village chief also knew that Chen Erzhuang couldn't ask any answers, and Chen Erzhuang was a soft egg who was afraid of his mother.

The village chief directly asked Chen Ergen and his family to speak, and after finishing speaking, he asked Chen Dazhuang's family, and when Chen Ergen and his family asked all over again, by the way, Chen Chunya and Liu Yuhong said what they said before.

In the end, the village chief looked at Mrs. Zhang angrily, "Zhang Chunhua, why did you introduce such a bastard family to Yanzi, you are pushing her into the fire pit."

Mrs. Zhang bit herself to death and didn't know, and said in a good tone for Yanzi: "Village Chief, I don't know that family is so ruthless, the old woman of that family only told me that her daughter-in-law died of illness, I think that her family conditions are good, and she can enjoy happiness and have a job if she introduces Yanzi to the past, and I am also kind." "

You lie, the family said in person, and if you agreed to give the bride price money, it would be sold to her family, and it would have nothing to do with our family in the future.

Why didn't you tell us about it, if we knew that this was the case, we wouldn't have agreed to marry Yanzi. Liu Yuhong roared with all her might, the green tendons on her neck bulged very obviously, obviously angry.

Chen Chunya also said loudly: "You already knew that there was a problem with his family, so you deliberately didn't tell us, because you collected a lot of money from her family."

At this time, Chen Ergen's daughter-in-law knew that the matter of swallows had to be dealt with, otherwise the whole village would look down on her family.

In fact, she also has a little regret in her heart, for the sake of her own face, she put the swallow alone, and at night she always dreams that the swallow covered in blood asks her why she didn't come to save her, why don't you leave her alone.

The old lady of the Chen family shuddered when she thought of the dream, and said all the things she hadn't said before.

"At the beginning, it was Mrs. Zhang who came to the door to say that the family was good, and after a while, she said that her family was from the city, and the family had jobs, and after Yanzi got married, the old woman gave the job to Yanzi, and said that Yanzi's brother would also find a job.

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