Chapter 2

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Chuahld opens his eyes back up. He felt tear streaks down his face. The memory felt sad but.. almost healing his own soul. He looked at the table to see that the flower had been replicated perfectly. but there was also another flower next to him. One made out of a Goldish Yellow and yet the red blended and popped out of this flower. He smiled because he realized that it represented the future of them both.

He then put the flowers in the Vase and teleported back to his and Val's room. He notices that Val was asleep, so he put it on a small ledge right next to the window. He then went to snuggle against Val and went to sleep.

(Timeskip to Morning)

As he was waking up next morning, He found a figure standing next to the Vase. Almost memerized by it.. He started rubs his eyes and rise up from the Bed. "Val?" The robot kept looking at it and tears started to form. He rushed to Chewy to hug him. Val didn't want to let go. The thing he loved wasn't burned in that fire, it was standing before him and his boyfriend made it all happen."

Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me." The metallic male said. This was the hardest he ever seen Valentine cry but it was all happy tears. Chewy just smiled and comforted his boyfriend. "Your welcome dear. I'm glad you like it!"

"I love it. I have to show this to Jeremy."

"Go ahead! Invite them over"

"Already ahead of ya."

The Robo-boy was about to make that call, but then they pull out something else because they remembered about their bf's bday.

"I know it's tomorrow but, I want you to open this one first. " He said softly.

Chewy was shocked but he slowly wanted to know what it was. He ripped open the wrapping paper to find a box. He opened the long box to find a small cylinder object. He looks at the object confused and finds a red button. He presses it to find that the object formed a Conjurer's staff for Magic made in metal.

"Press the button again" Val says quietly

The elf does so in amazement and sees the staff turn into a Suzaku, pressing it again turns into a sword with magic writing on it and then back to the cylinder.

This was no ordinary craftsmanship, this was made by someone who really knows the elfship, who knows his home.

"How did you get someone to make this?" The elf questioned

"I met someone who had this in his arsenal but never gave it to anybody till now. We just met in happenstance. "

Chewy looked at the 4 cycle weapon cylinder and just had the biggest grin on his face. "I should thank him. It's nice to know there are people like me." He stopped for a second and thanked Val, even giving a kiss on his metallic lips. Of course Val kissed back, his face turning a shade of pink.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Apparently he handed me a business card to a shop in town."

"I gotcha. What is his name?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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