part three: the first day

Start from the beginning


"Like a baby." I said sarcastically, remembering the very terrible way I woke up.

"Good. So, listen, I left you two breakfast right there and the boys are gonna take you guys to school. I'll see you later. I can't wait to hear all about your whole day." she spoke very quickly, putting a hand on our shoulders, "All right? Good luck."

"Thank you." Jackie smiled. She turned, yelling for Jordan to hurry and finally yelling out a love you to the house, earning one back from somewhere I couldn't tell.

I looked back to the now empty kitchen, seeing dirty plates and unfinished food all over the island. Jackie and I both looked at each other with wide eyes.

So let's get things straight. Jackie and I were from a family of three girls all roughly around the same age. We never dealt with a big family, let alone a family full of boys.

In other words, we never dealt with chaos.

"What exactly did they leave us?" Jackie arched a brow, looking at all the dirty dishes. I shrugged, grabbing a banana.

"I don't know, but if I learned anything, maybe I should actually wake up on time to eat." I handed her an apple, "Come on before we're actually late."

We walked outside, immediately being met with the warm air and bright sunlight. Parked outside was the car that we drove from the airport yesterday, being piled in with all the boys.

At least six out of all ten of them were loading themselves inside. I heard Jackie sigh nervously beside me and I looked over at her.

"Remember, we got this. I'm not gonna leave you." I nudged her side. She looked over at me, giving me a small smile.

"Come on, New York." Cole called, climbing into the drivers seat and looking at Jackie. He then glanced over at me, "Get in."

Jackie and I hesitantly obeyed, walking down the steps and towards the car. When I looked into the window, I noticed that there were pretty much no seats available.

"Alex, go to the back and let them sit up in the front." the boy from the porch yesterday ordered from the passenger seat. I could not keep up with all these names.

"No way. The back's only for me and Isaac. He's not a member." the boy with the skateboard from yesterday poked his head to the front.

"If not that's fine. We don't wanna intrude." I shook my head. Nathan, the one with the guitar that I remembered, sat on the other side of the middle row.

"Don't be a jerk, Lee, just let him just this once."

The boy, Lee, rolled his eyes, reaching to the back door and opening it. The other boy, Alex, stepped out from the car and made his way to the back, allowing for Jackie and I to sit down.

"Finally." Cole muttered, turning up the volume button and speeding off down the dirt road. Along the way, the boys conversed in their own conversation and Jackie and I stayed silent.

I pulled on my earphones, offering one to Jackie and listening to our own music.

The ride was just as boring as the one yesterday, the only difference was that we finally entered into the actual town, where stores and people walked around.

When we came in view with the school, my eyes widened. The school was decently big, having a large football field and track with posters that hung around the fences. There was a large parking lot with students driving and walking around.

This was so not New York.

I pulled off my earphones, letting Jackie and I take in our surroundings. When we pulled into the lot, I noticed many people waving and looking into the car, greeting our driver.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now